Mil MI-8MT (Drivable)

"Stars shoot across the night sky in Kandahar, don't tell mom I'm in Afghanistan." ——《Hello, sister》

The second driavble helicopter is here,with cargo compartment and fully functional doors.

Slide open the side door on the left side and climb inside ,click the the pilot seat to sit down.

The helicopter need 'cold start' process to take off.


Cold Start Tutorial

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Then you can grab the stick and collective pitch, take off and have some fun.

click the 'X' shaped button to open the tail door then you can put some big toys inside the heli.



the buttons may not be interactable sometimes,try click the previous button and see if it works, it's an old plane after all.

still WIP so may glitch sometimes, the player view won't rotate with the aircraft,maybe one day I could fix that.


Change Log

1.0.0 Added MI-8MT in Misc--->TippyToy.

1.0.1 Changed a better looking livery.

1.0.2 Some small tweaks

1.0.3 Now Mi-8MT need to cold start to take off.

1.0.4 Added some cool new sounds.

1.0.5 Added a rope to slide down from the plane,click the crane frame to activate the rope .

1.0.6 Tweaked some buttons and lights.

1.0.7 Added dependencies to make the mod working.

1.0.8 Added cannons and rockets,grab the co-pilot stick or collective pitch and press trigger to fire ,Tweaked some colliders to prevent player from falling off the cockpit.

1.0.9 Fixed sound source keeps focus on the plane.

1.1.0 Changed panel to union mesh to gain better performance.

1.1.1 Tweaked rocket nest to semi and have much more barrels,you have to reload it with M1A1 rocket after fired all the rockets.

1.1.2 Added sand filter model for the engine,tweaked colliders of the reload trigger so it should be more easy to reload the rocket nests.

1.1.3 Fixed cannon firing issue.

1.1.4 Fixed cannon firing issue,agian. Added missing switch sound.Texture tweaked.

1.2.0 Added a variant which have real flight model and engine is started by default.

1.2.1 Instruments on flight model one now working.Smoothed stick,throttle and rudder moving animation

1.3.0 Added keyboard key bind 'E' and 'D' to switch camera view between playerbody and plane.Fixed the start up sound effect.

1.3.1 Added S8 Rockets preloaded in the rocket nests.

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