A universal picatinny ammo counter for all* guns with rails!Universal Ammo Counter
A universal picatinny ammo counter that should work with all* guns!
It works with both box magazines (detachable magazines and boxes) as well as internal magazines (tubes or bolt action repositories) or en blocs.
Thanks to Potatoes for working with me to QA update 8.11.1
to fix many bugs with the ammo counter's core script!
*Guns with bespoke or old magazines like the airgun may not work simply because they are stupid
Fonts used:
Ammo Text - Linear Beam
Ammo Numbers and spacer - Digital-7
cityrobo - Model used is from his Meatbeat Sensor mod, but it's ripped from another game
WFIOST/Potatoes - Scripts used in the mod
DaFont - Fonts used in the mod