
  • Main release
  • Added PistolBrace, PistolBraceToggle scripts; used to make toggleable pistol braces for one-handed shooting
  • Added ToggleAnimation; simple interaction plays an object's animation back or forth, used as-is in other mods or with PistolBrace


  • Added PlaySoundOnLoadState; plays a sound either when the gun runs completely dry on ammo, or when the specified magazine is fully loaded
    • Only fill in the magazine or the firearm, not both!


  • Added NambuSear; allows you to fire the gun by clicking on a simple interaction zone, or by hitting a physics collider
  • Added DropSlideOnMagRelease; causes the slide (or bolt) to release from its locked state when releasing a magazine


  • Removed debug messages from NambuSear
  • Fixed DropSlideOnMagRelease applying to other guns


  • ACTUALLY removed debug messages from NambuSear


  • Included an editor version of the .dll for Meatkit


  • Added PermanentlyAttachedWeapon; prevents a specified attachable weapon from being detached
  • Added ContinuousFiringSound; allows for a continuously firing sound when firing closed bolt weapons (support for open bolts and pistols coming later)


  • Removed debug messages from ContinuousFiringSound


  • Fixed a bug with underbarrel weapons in ContinuousFiringSound


  • Added support for open bolt receivers in ContinuousFiringSound


  • Fixed a bug with fade outs in ContinuousFiringSound


  • Skipped 1.4.0 because of an incorrectly set PluginInfo version
  • Added CustomCenterOfMass; sets a custom center of mass for a weapon that optionally does not change when attachments are added


  • Added ToggleLerp; linearly translates/rotates an object between two set values on a simple interaction
  • Fixed NambuSear not firing the gun more than once when not held


  • Added RPMSecondarySwitch; switches the bolt speed of an open or closed bolt on a simple interaction


  • Moved Record Player scripts into Bag of Scripts, this allows users to create their own records


  • Added TriggerActivatedLaser; Toggles on a laser when the trigger is pulled
  • Added SecondaryAttachmentDetachPoint; Allows the user to detach an attachment from multiple different points, rather than just the interface trigger


  • Improved usage of TriggerActivatedLaser


  • Added EjectHandgunMagOnEmpty; works the same as a regular closed bolt automatic mag eject, but for handguns
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