Character based around slower, persistant progression against increasing stronger enemy forces. Intended to be used with SafehouseProgression.1.2.1
- Updated some weapons to have larger magazines when dropped
- Added support for mods:
- FN Cal by Not_Wolfie
- FTAC Siege by Not_Wolfie
- Modul KV Broadside by localpcnerd
- ModulRam7 by localpcnerd
- IWI Carmel by Not_Wolfie
- AN-94 by localpcnerd
- ModulStrikers by localpcnerd
- ModulMCX2 by Meat_banono
- Cronen Squall by Not_Wolfie
1.2.0 - Civil Revolt
We will not be forgotten! Biggest update is filling out the Civilian (Rem-meats) weapons with new additions. A bit more early weapon variety to our meaty diet!
Otherwise, primarily a graphic and shop update. Lowered some prices, removed some high-end gear (not weapons though) so they are only gained from drops. Updated a lot of the icons to get a better distinction between similar categories.
Also redid the ammo box categories to go by power/type rather than faction, which should make it easier to get the ammunition you are wanting. No more needing 7.62x54mmR for your mosin and getting Tokarev!
Full Change Log:
Extraction Eddie
- Removed "level 0" points. Gotta take an object to earn the gold!
- Slight increase to drop chance for gold and bandages.
- Removed spawn backpacks from drop lists.
- Updated readme to include new supported mod links
Item Pools:
All Weapons:
- Disabled size-based magazine spawning for weapons
- Added explicit magazines to dropped/bought weapons
- Weapons without magazines (breach shotguns, internal magazine rifles) come with a box of their ammunition in lieu of magazines
Pistol Weapons:
- Added TT33
Civilian Weapons:
- Added HammerlessLong shotgun
- Added DT-11 Shorty shotgun
- Added SKS Classic battle rifle
- Added SVT-40 battle rifle
- Added Mosin 1891 bolt-action rifle
- Added Mosin M38 bolt-action rifle
- Added VZ 58-P carbine
- Added VZ 58-V carbine
Military Weapons:
- Added VZ 58-Custom carbine
Horizon Weapons:
- Added CX4 carbine
Blue Sky Weapons:
- Added Phantom9 carbine
Magazine Loot:
- Changed magazines to use the ones listed for the corresponding weapon to maintain parity
New Supported Mods:
- VEPR Hunter added to Civilian Weapons
- MP-443 "Grach" added to Pistols
Shop Changes:
- Ammo box categories now listed by round power instead of faction. Should be easier to get the desired ammo now.
- New Icons for ammo boxes to represent the new categorization
- Removed Berkut backpack, making it a drop-only rare item
- Removed 5 high tier rigs from rig shop, making them drop only rare.
- Reduced price of backpacks to 10
- Reduced price of rigs to 6
- Reduced price of all grenades to 1
- New icons for the following categories to better distinguish them
- All grenades (Smoke, Flash, Explosive)
- All medical items (Bandages, Low Health, Med Health, High Health)
- All weapon categories (Pistols, Civilian/Rem-meats, Sausabad Military, Horizon Buns, Blue Sky Meats)
- All ammo box categories (Pistol-East, Pistol-West, Shotgun, Full Power/Rifle, Intermediate-AK, Intermediate-AR)
- Rigs shop icon
- Increased guard count on round 1 by 2
- Adjust max enemy count on rounds to include the expected enemy count. Some rounds were mis-set causing too little or too many sosigs to spawn for some rounds
- Decreased sosig respawn on round 3+ 90 -> 60
- Fixed
Extraction Eddie:
- increased gold point drop by 20%
- increased civilian weapon drop by 100%
- increased military(RUS) weapon drop by 100%
- increased points per round by 100-200% (increase varies per round)
- added new weapons and respective mags to civilian pool: PPSh41, ThompsonM1A1, DoubleBarrel1882, IZh18 12g
- added new ammo to civilian ammo box pool: 7.62x25 Tokarev FMJ and JHP
- added free wallet purchase to last page of shop. Store ALL the money!
- added ammo boxes to loot drop list. All boxes have same drop chance as civilian magazines.
- Removed 7.62x54mmR Clip from mag pool as the ammo box is a better alternative
- Removed starter pistol mags from drop pool
- increased spawn timer from 30 -> 90
- decreased stationary guards on round 1 from 6 -> 4
- decreased number of squads on most rounds
- decreased max sosigs per squad in rounds 1-5
- normalized sosig squads per round: 1-5 has 2 squads (was 4), 6-10 has 3 squads (was 4/6), 11+ has 4 squads (was 6)
Initial release