A lot of NGS, and the use of custom ammo. I need to streamline all this junk ASAP.


NEXT Cats with all their subcats


IW Energy 5.56 [Ammo Enum = 58010100], use 5.56 bullets to align meshes (DISCONTINUED)

IW Energy 5.56 No Mesh [Ammo Enum = -58001000] FMJ, AP, Incendiary

IW Energy 7.62 No Mesh [Ammo Enum = -58001001] FMJ, AP, Incendiary

IW Energy Sniper No Mesh [Ammo Enum = -58001002] FMJ, AP, Incendiary

IW Energy Pistol No Mesh [Ammo Enum = -58001003] FMJ, AP, Incendiary

LMG WholeBelt Light [Ammo Enum = -58001004] FMJ

LMG WholeBelt Med [Ammo Enum = -58001005] FMJ

LMG WholeBelt Heavy [Ammo Enum = -58001006] FMJ

IW Energy Shotgun No Mesh [Ammo Enum = -58001007] Buckshot00, Slug, DragonsBreath


V1.0.1 -- Ray Gun MK2 Ammo patchwork

V1.0.2 -- Removed RGMK2 ammo temporarily, removed outdated Community and Community unlockable subcat fields.

V1.0.3 -- Added Meatkit made IW Energy NM rounds for future IW weapons.

V1.0.4 -- Some tracer touchups

V1.0.5 -- Projectile Prefab oversight. The NM rounds are ready.

V1.0.6 -- Added variations of the IW Energy NM rounds for TNh (AP, Incendiary). Added LMG WholeBelt Rounds for upcoming LMGs.

V1.0.7 -- Quality pass on my NGS. Noticed the Subcat sprites were wrong. Sorry it took this long to figure it out, now its fixed.

V1.0.8 -- STG NXT bullets now hosted here, for support of an upcoming weapon's PaP variant.

V1.0.9 -- Meta Data fixes

V1.1.0 -- Added Energy Shotgun rounds

V1.1.1 -- Shotgun round hotfixes, whoops

V1.1.2 -- Added Skitsuphrenia PaP Ammo

V1.1.3 -- Added Stanag-to-9mm Mag Mount Attachment.

For modmakers interested in making their mods compatible with this, included in the "late_addon9mil2" is a sample mount prefab. Load it up to see the mount + a visualization of how the attachment will look when mounted. The attachment looks like a 10 round stanag mag so it should be easy to pick up on where to leave it.

Line the mount up to your gun, then when you have it set, delete the point's child (the clone you use for visualization). Wire the mount to your main gun's attachment mount list, and make the gun the parent of the mount. Lastly, for your Item Spawner Entry, have "aftr.9mm Addon Mag Insert" as one of the secondaries. The attachment should take care of the rest.

V1.1.4 -- Remove rigidbody on 9mm sample mount, so that prefab loading no longer sabotages it.

V1.1.5 -- For WHATEVER reason, the 9mm addons prevent TNH from working. Temp removing this attachment until I get it to work.

V1.1.6 -- Switched Attachment from Adapter Attachment to Uncategorized seems to have done the trick. I've tested vaulting and vaulting works, and I didn't want this to appear in TNH to begin with, so... This should fix everything. What a migraine.

V1.1.7 -- TNH Breaking Bug fixed. OID was corrupted with the mag insert. Manually making a new OID fixed it.

V1.1.8 -- Touched up the Phys of the addon 9mm magazine. NO MORE UPDATES HOPEFULLY MAYBE POSSIBLY.

V1.1.9 -- Fire bullet update, no more lag overtime dilemma

V1.2.0 -- Skitsuphrenia ammo update, same as fire bullets.

V1.2.1 -- IW Bullet, LMG Belt Whole, and SP ammo updates to reduce mag dump lag that occurs over time. Ballistic Projectile Game Objects add up over time otherwise.

V1.2.2 -- Updated the 9mm addon collection, improving the colors to match more guns, from gray to black

V1.2.3 -- Added more magazines for the 9mm addon mount, thus adding more variety retroactively for all the guns that use said mount. 20 round mag, 30 round mag, 50 round drum, 100 round beta-c drum!

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