In the name of the Emperor, I uh... saw a bunch of funny sounds and 'borrowed' them.The Blood Raven's Chapter's Meme-Voice pack
Memes R Us! Between the clips from the internet and random bull my friends say, you'll have plenty to laugh to! Got any feedback? Questions? Concerns? Send me a message on Discord! thire1986
v1.0.7, and 1.0.8 hotfix - "Wait, patch notes can do this?" 01/27/25
Borked my mod because I dropped my hotdog, relish the fix!
I swear I got it this time. Regressed PTNHBGML requirement back to version 4.1.3 from 4.2.0 because it didn't like the fancy new version for some reason.
v1.0.6 changes
Somebody once told me you can use changelogs as a feature rather than have it all clogged.
Just a few more random lines between deaths and snarky comments from the Sosigs.
-(I need more "Investigate" lines...)