In the name of the Emperor, I uh... saw a bunch of funny sounds and 'borrowed' them.Changelog
v1.0.7, and 1.0.8 hotfix - "Wait, patch notes can do this?" 01/27/25
Borked my mod because I dropped my hotdog, relish the fix!
I swear I got it this time. Regressed PTNHBGML requirement back to version 4.1.3 from 4.2.0 because it didn't like the fancy new version for some reason.
v1.0.6 changes
Somebody once told me you can use changelogs as a feature rather than have it all clogged.
Just a few more random lines between deaths and snarky comments from the Sosigs.
-(I need more "Investigate" lines...)
v1.0.5 - Update now because you missed December 01/02/25
Plant tells more funny stories for our listening enjoyment.
More insults so you'll laugh while being shot at and miss your shots.
Psychotic laughter? Us? No, never...
v1.0.4 - What's in a meme? 11/13/24
Today on Bottom Gear,
More "Investigation" lines.
Ha ha funny "Death and "Pain" lines.
And "Domain Expansion: Ibuprofen".
v1.0.3 - Funny collab 10/13/24
"Borrowed" sounds from the Game Grumps because funny.
More "Death" and "Pain" sounds so hurt the sosigs for more funny.
v1.0.2 - Tis but a patch 9/17/24
- Slowly adding more lines
v1.0.1 - Clean up, clean up 9/11/24
Added several new clips, mostly idle chat
Removed/replaced some repetitive clips in the "Skirmish" state
v1.0.0 - The funny begins 8/15/24
- Inital Release