Enemy Sound Fixes

Fixes numerous issues with missing sound effects, or SFX playing when they shouldn't. Using LCMaxSoundsFix in addition to this mod is highly recommended, but not required.


  • Fixed hit sound being interrupted by death animation
Snare fleas
  • Fixed shrieking when hitting its dead body
  • Fixed chasing "footsteps" and suffocation noises not looping
  • Fixed footsteps continuing while dead or clinging to a player's head
  • Fixed improperly pitched scream when dropping from the ceiling after being damaged
  • "Fixed"(?) thunder sounds playing from voice when losing track of the player
    • Can be re-enabled in config
Eyeless dogs
  • Fixed breathing sometimes playing after death
  • Fixed breathing pitch being wrong after eating a player
  • Fixed breathing sound sometimes overlapping (playing twice from one dog)
  • Fixed breathing sometimes stopping completely after attacking
  • Fixed missing hit sound effect
  • Fixed other enemies' dead bodies playing hit sounds when dog stepped on them
Hoarding bugs
  • Fixed missing death sound effect
  • Fixed hit sound being interrupted by death animation
Forest Keepers
  • Fixed stun sound effect not playing when rescuing a player
  • Fixed "chewing" sound and blood spray playing after eating animation is interrupted
  • Fixed missing death sound effects
  • Fixed fire volume not fading in when first ignited by an explosion
  • Fixed roar sound effect (when grabbing players) being cut short by bite sound effect
  • Fixed missing hit sound effect
Baboon hawks
  • Fixed screaming when hitting its dead body
  • Fixed missing death sound effect
  • Fixed other enemies' dead bodies playing hit sounds when baboons touched them
  • Fixed playing attack sound when touching other enemies' dead bodies
  • Fixed "marching music" playing endlessly after death if you kill it right as it fires its gun
  • Fixed missing death sound effect
  • Fixed Comedy and Tragedy noise intervals (for laughing/crying) taking exponentially more time to occur the longer you left the game open
    • In general, "masked" enemies as well as the actual mask items will be a lot noisier
    • You can disable this change in the config if you don't like it
  • Config setting (disabled by default) to adjust footstep volume/distance to match player footsteps
  • Fixed hit sound being interrupted by death animation
  • Fixed entrance door sounds not playing on both sides of the door when entering/exiting the building
  • Fixed corpses still buzzing even once the mask hornets spawn out of it
Tulip snakes
  • Scurry sounds now properly re-randomize their pitch when they play
  • Failsafe to prevent tulip snakes from making noises after death
  • Fixed wingflap volume being too low if you're standing still when it starts
  • Fixed missing hit sound effect
Kidnapper fox
  • Fixed hurt sound not playing after tongue is broken
  • Fixed hurt sound playing when attacking its dead body
  • Fixed death sound sometimes not playing
  • Fixed "growling" sound sometimes getting stuck when not dragging a player
  • Fixed drooling after being killed
  • Fixed other enemies' dead bodies playing hit sounds when fox stepped on them
  • Fixed missing death sound effect
  • Fixed hit sound being interrupted by death animation
  • Fixed several sounds (footsteps, mandible clicking, etc.) still playing after death
  • Fixed clicking mandibles when spawning as a baby


Despite the (now outdated) name, this mod also fixes a few other sounds unrelated to enemies:

  • Fixed fall damage not playing its special sound effect (except when crashing the jetpack)
  • Fixed overlapping hit sound when attacked with shovel/knife
  • Fixed the "engine stalling" sound getting stuck if you turn the key for too long, even if you release it and turn it again
  • Fixed the engine rev sound effect playing multiple times when turning the key in quick succession
  • Fixed the engine rev sound effect continuing after the ignition finally starts
  • Fixed crash sounds restarting constantly each time the Cruiser collides with something (instead of stacking with each other)
  • Fixed tire contact audio still playing while the car is midair
  • Fixed warning alarm playing while car is attached to the magnet (and immune to damage)
  • Added config setting to mute Cruiser audio in orbit (engine, horn, radio, etc.)
  • Fixed backwards open/close SFX on factory doors, lockers, and the breaker box
  • Fixed shed doors (Rend and Adamance) not utilizing wood door SFX
  • Fixed mineshaft doors occluding their own audio (sounding muffled) from one side
  • Fixed the garage door on Experimentation not playing sounds when it slides closed
  • Entrance doors now play the same random audio clip on both sides
  • Entrance door audio now plays through walkie-talkies
  • Fixed "Hey" voice when ship gets struck by lightning
  • Fixed vent noise getting stuck at the wrong volume after enemies spawn from them
  • Fixed vents sometimes playing the wrong audio for the enemy that's about to spawn
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