
  • Fixed vents continuing to make noise after a monster spawns out of them
  • Fixed nutcrackers using normal vent sounds (or vice versa - normal enemies using nutcracker vent sounds)


  • Fixed mineshaft doors muffling their own audio as if they were behind a wall


  • Fixed giants not stomping when ignited
    • It was me. I caused this bug 😢


  • Actually fixed tulip snake wing flapping (the changes from v1.4.0 were a red herring all along)
  • Fixed a potential issue with entrance doors in custom content


  • Fixed maneater clicking its mandibles when freshly spawning


  • Rolled back a few tulip snake changes from v1.4.0 since it didn't play nice with mods
  • Several fixes to doors
    • The same random clip now plays on both sides of the entrance door
    • Entrance door sounds now play over walkie-talkies when players enter/exit the building (like mimics)
    • Mimics now play entrance door sounds on both sides when entering/exiting the building (like players)
    • Fixed factory doors, locker doors, and breaker box having backwards open/closed sounds.
    • Fixed cabin doors on Rend and Adamance still using the steel door sounds.


  • Fixed mimics not playing hit sounds when the death animation occurs


  • Fixed maneater not playing hit sounds when the death animation occurs
  • Fixed snare fleas screeching after death if they are killed right as they drop from the ceiling
  • Fixed "Hey" voice when the ship is struck by lightning
  • Reduced most logs from "Info" to "Debug" level


  • Cruiser gets muted a little earlier when heading into orbit (when the outdoor ambience ends, not after the results screen)


  • Fixed the snare flea sometimes still playing sounds after death (after a change made in v1.5.3)


  • Fixed maneater still making noises after being killed


  • Cruiser tire audio no longer plays when the car is airborne (like from turbo boosts), not just when attached to the magnet


  • Fixed Cruiser tires still making certain noises (skidding, rolling over gravel) while attached to the magnet
  • Cruiser alarm no longer plays while attached to the magnet (since the ship can't take damage)
  • Fixed baboon hawks still playing their attack sound when walking over a corpse
  • Added a config setting to mute the Cruiser in orbit
    • By default, this will mute everything except for the radio


  • Cruiser sound fixes
    • Fixed the "engine stalling" sound still playing when releasing and twisting the key again
    • Fixed the engine rev sound effect playing multiple times when twisting the key too quickly
    • Fixed the engine rev sound effect continuing after the engine starts up
    • Fixed collision sounds restarting instead of stacking
  • Fixed volume fade of flaming giant effects
  • Fixed several enemies not playing hit sounds when their death animation occurs
    • Brackens
    • Hoarding bugs
    • Eyeless dogs


  • Tulip snakes now play hit sound when killed
  • Fixed kidnapper fox drooling after being killed


  • Fixed hardlock when attacking the kidnapper fox


  • Some fixes for kidnapper fox
  • "BetterMimicSteps" config setting to make mimics' footsteps better match players'


  • Some more fixes for dogs
    • Retooled the pitch fix from v1.3.0
    • Voice pitch should now synchronize for all players who install this mod
    • Fixed overlapping breathing sounds coming from the same dog
    • Fixed breathing sound stopping sometimes after killing players
    • Added hit sound (like with forest giants)
  • Fixes for tulip snakes
    • Fixed "scurrying" sounds continuing after latching to a player's head
    • Fixed randomized pitch for scurry sounds
    • Fixed some edge cases where dead tulip snakes would still make noise
    • Added hit sound
  • "Fixed" thumpers playing thunder sounds from their voice when de-aggroing
    • Made this a config setting, because I'm still not 100% sure this is unintended
  • Enemies no longer play hit sounds if another enemy hits them after they are dead
  • Fixed old "DontFixMasks" option still showing up in the config under certain circumstances


  • Dogs no longer continue breathing after they die
  • Fixed dogs using the wrong voice pitch after they finish eating a player


  • Butler corpses no longer buzz


  • Inverted "DontFixMasks" option to "FixMasks" option, which I think is more intuitive
    • Your config should be updated automatically to use the proper setting
  • Snare flea death scream is no longer random pitch


  • Fixed a potential nullref exception with animated particles.


  • Fixed a bug that caused certain animated map objects to not play audio (in vanilla, that would be garage door on Experimentation)


  • Fixed mask items and enemies not playing laugh/cry noises as often as they are supposed to.


  • Fixed fall damage for players using the wrong SFX (unless you crash a jetpack)


  • Forest keeper "eating fixes" now apply when you teleport a player out of their hand


  • Polish pass on forest keepers
  • Reworked some snare flea code (to fix a broken patch that I replaced last minute before release)


  • Initial release
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