Adds a configurable pocket flashlightV1.5.2
- Fixed battery values going over the max battery time when not using the
recharge option - Changed the name of the
recharge option toHand Cranked
- Removed speed penalty when recharging the flashlight with (
Hand Cranked
recharge option) - Lowered wind up battery recharge multiplier ramp-up (
Hand Cranked
recharge option) - Lowered maximum wind up battery recharge multiplier (
Hand Cranked
recharge option) - Added option to enable or disable the networking warning in the Main Menu
- Added a
text display option (self explanatory)
- Fixed the
Full battery recharge sound toggle
config not working - Fixed a gamebreaking bug that prevented players with the mod from loading the company building (because the mod couldn't find breaker box to determine if the power was on or off)
- Added a config to adjust other players' flashlight volumes (in lobbies with networking enabled, doesn't affect normal flashlights)
- Added warning popup when launching the game (or exiting a lobby) with networking enabled
- Fixed networked lights not turning off when their respective player dies
- Added
as a soft dependency (to check and disable joining other lobbies without the mod and its networking) - Added compatibility with
(as a soft dependency, only used for thePrioritize in-game flashlights
config to work properly when a flashlight is in a reserved slot) - Laser pointers no longer count as flashlights to the
Prioritize in-game flashlights
config - Recharging the dynamo flashlight is now also heard for other players with networking enabled
- Added settings for the light's position and rotation (with two positions, the "left" and the "right" positions and rotations)
- Added option for enabling custom sounds to the flashlight (requires LCSoundTool to work, it'll default to the in-game flashlight sounds if it isn't installed or enabled)
- Deleted every sound option besides
In-game flashlight
, as custom sounds have been added - Changed some config names and descriptions to make them clearer, (you will probably have to regenerate the config file, by deleting the previous config file and opening the game to generate a new config file, so the configs can register properly)
- Fixed
Ambient light intensity multiplier
not working as intended - Added audio occlusion to other players' lights when using networking (so you can't fully hear flashlight sounds through walls)
- Fixed noises audible to the world sometimes not working properly when inside the ship while its doors are closed
- Fixed networking not working at all, alongside the two changes
- Also added
as a dependency. It will be used in future updates
- Fixed the flickering when the battery ran out not occuring due to an oversight in the sound playing part of the mod, where it would forget to check for networking before calling the server rpc
- Fixed battery not being capped at the maximum time if not using Time recharge method
- Added
as a dependency to make setting configs easier for the player (and also other things besides that) - Changed color configs to a hex code instead of three separate configs for red, green and blue values (for the flashlight and the indicator)
- Fixed pretty much all the bugs related to the
Prioritize in-game flashlights
setting - Reworked the
recharge method to function based on the power inside the facility (and renamed it accordingly toFacilityPowered
) - Made some adjustments to the
recharge method (higher total recharge power, though it requires a little time to ramp up) - Made the sound played when recharging the flashlight using the
recharge method ramp up and back down instead of abruptly playing and stopping - Added option to adjust the in-game's natural "dark area light" intensity percentage to make seeing in dark areas dependent on the flashlight (set to the normal ambient light intensity by default)
- Added setting to choose if the flashlight should be fully charged when you enter orbit (default: true)
- Fixed some scraps held by player blocking the light if the
Enable shadows
config was enabled - The flashlight no longer needs to be turned on to change its position and rotation (from left to right and vice-versa)
- Changed some existing sounds in some of the sound options
- Fixed vertical rotation inconsistencies when switching flashlight positions for the first time after joining a game
- Reworked how sounds are loaded to account for other players using different sound options
- Removed config related to enemies hearing sound, and with this change some sounds were changed to no longer be heard by enemies
- Added a way for all players to see eachother's lights using networking. This is still something that's worked on, so it's still an experimental feature.
- Overall code improvements, which should solve some issues with lag (if there were any that I wasn't aware of).
- Made some configs even clearer, and added a few caps to their values
! make sure to regenerate the config file (deleting and generating it again by opening the game), as i'm pretty sure some configs will no longer apply any changes because they've either had their name changed or have been outright deleted.
- Added flashlight dimming (with config to set at what battery percentage the light should stop dimming)
- Added flashlight flickering when the battery runs out or when ghost girl changes behavior state and flickers every other light (default is set to true)
- Hopefully fixed some bugs related to the "Prioritize flashlights in player inventory" config
- Changed the way the mod's assetbundle is loaded to prevent using up RAM while loading it
- Added 5 frames of leniency before the mod sends an error message if it has errors while trying to find the local player controller
- Added config option for various battery recharge methods, each with their upsides and downsides (and some with configs).
- Added full recharge sounds to the flashlight when using the time recharge config
- Added config option for sounds to be heard by enemies (default is set to true)
- Cleaned up code for optimization
- Made most logs debug logs to avoid log spam
- Made it so the error caused by the mod not finding the local player only gets sent once instead of every time per frame
- The HUD no longer shows up if the light doesn't work
- Made
the default sound option for the mod to use - Made configs look cleaner (at least when looking at them with LethalConfig)
- Changed some names for the sound options
- Added keybind to change light position from left to right, and vice versa to prevent the light from being covered by any items currently held (default key: H)
- Added keybind to recharge the flashlight (used for Shake and Dynamo recharge methods) (default key: Q)
- Fixed light not turning on anymore (with the "Prioritize in-game flashlights" config set to true) if the player dies until they pick up and drop another flashlight
- Changed some position and rotation values of the light
- Added config option to prioritize flashlights in the player's inventory until their battery is depleted
- Added a third sound option (InGameFlashlight)
- Added more logs
- Changed some config descriptions to be more clear about what they do (i recommend deleting the config file as it might cause some issues if the new configs overlap the old ones)
- Added
as dependency for easier keybind configuration - Added sound options (currently only two of them, Default and ActualFlashlight)
- Updated README file to add installation and configuration, and a small note about the new keybind configurations
- Added separate config options for light color and HUD color
- Some settings can now be changed without having to rejoin a lobby (specifically the ones that aren't important, like colors or intensity)
- Added configs for indicator position on the screen (IndicatorPositionX and IndicatorPositionY)
- Added config for battery text options (Percentage, AccuratePercentage, Time, All)
- Added an experimental config to enable light shadows
- Fixed indicator not fading in when using the flashlight at abnormally high battery times
- Fixed bugs related to player death not turning off the flashlight, which resulted in battery loss when dead
- More overall code changes
- Added more logs in case something goes wrong
- Updated README
- Made changes to the code so set configs can apply when entering a lobby
- Added two HUD styles (CircularBar, VerticalBar)
- Added some debug logs (LightController made, light toggle)
- Fixed flashlight toggling when pressing the toggle key in the pause menu
- Added battery regen cooldown config
- Volume now updates immediately after config change