Some ungodly Moon creations, using LethalLevelLoader. Updated frequently. Feel free to suggest more Moons!!!v2.2.11 Release
- Tweaked the Shadows across all moons. Should improve visibility inside of Dungeons massively
v2.2.10 Release
- Fixed the Item Shuttle landing point in Reloradical City
v2.2.9 Release
- Fixed the Fire Exit in Twinkle Park
v2.2.8 Release
- Texturing Fixes for numerous Moons
- You can Finally enter Mystic Ruins
v2.2.7 Release
- 8 New Moons! 36 So Far
- Casinopolis, Mystic Ruins, Twinkle Park, Pallet Town, Tallon IV, XEN, Reloradical City, Beach Raceway
v2.2.6 Release
- Item Shuttle fixes on the new Moons
v2.2.5 Release
- 5 New Moons! 28 Moons So Far
- City Escape, Dark Garden, Hero Garden, Pop Star, Sector Z
v2.2.4 Release
- Fixed the Lighting on the Moons, relating to the Interior Levels/Dungeons
- No longer will one be shoved off of the Ship when leaving Clock Town or Hyrule Field
v2.2.1 Release
- Modified Violence Distrct's daytime enemy spawn types, and frequency
v2.2.0 Release
- Functioning once Again
- Finally swapped the Chao Garden Entrances to the correct positions
- Mayhem Temple could not be recovered, but the rest have been!
v2.1.0 Release
- Fully Updated for v56!
v2.0.4 Release
- The Moon named Moon now to prevent clashes with routing to The Company Building.
v2.0.0 Release
- Successfully across in LLL! Goodbye LE, this journey could not have started without you!
v1.3.25 Release
- Switched Back to LECore due to LE's Lifespan being short
v1.3.24 Release
- Reduced a certain Moon Soundtrack volume.
v1.3.21 Release
- Updated Available Scraps from Scrap Mega Pack
v1.3.20 Release
- Reduced certain Moon Soundtrack volumes.
v1.3.10 Release
- Updated Available Scraps from Scrap Mega Pack.
- If you have Modded Scrap you want to appear on my Moons, Just throw the filename of the
- Scrap scriptedobject at me, I'll handle the rest
v1.3.16 Release
- Until Core updates, gonna have to revert to the regular LethalExpansion, for compatability of the Scrap Pack!
v1.3.12 Release
- Updated Collisions of the Egg Carrier! Changed a few MOON Prices according to difficulty and reward
v1.3.11 Release
- Added 4 Moons! Outset Island, Windfall Island, Dragon Roost, Gods Tower, and Pizza Tower! 24 Moons so far. Credit to SpyrotheDragon2021 for the Tower Itself for Pizza Tower!
v1.3.10 Release
- Updated Available Scraps from Scrap Mega Pack
v1.3.9 Release
- Updated Available Scraps from Scrap Mega Pack
v1.3.8 Release
- Added 1 Moon! Circus has come to town! 19 Moons so far.
v1.3.6 Release
- Added 1 Moon! Egg Carrier! 18 Moons so far. Due to High Demand, the Rainbow Bridge has been Improved, and the Item Shuttle spawns correctly! Mayhem Temple scaled to proper size!
v1.3.5 Release
- Due to High Demand, the Rainbow Bridge returns!
v1.3.4 Release
- Invisiwalls taken care of for now
v1.3.3 Release
- Updated Available Scraps from Scrap Mega Pack
v1.3.2 Release
- Added 3 Moons! Ganon's Castle, Kokiri Forest, and Lobby! 17 Moons so far.
v1.3.1 Release
- Toned Down E1M1
v1.3.0 Release
- Added 1 Moon! The Moon! 14 Moons so far.
v1.2.10 Release
- Added 1 Moon! Peach's Castle! 13 Moons so far.
v1.2.8 Release
- Restored E1M1
v1.2.7 Release
- Made modifications to the existing Moons, for lighting, fog, and some boundry colliders
v1.2.5 Release
- Repositioned Town Square for Entry
v1.2.2 Release
- Added 1 Moon! Clock Town! 12 Moons so far. Town Square fixed, you may enter now
v1.2.1 Release
- Fixed Silent Town's Description!
v1.2.0 Release
- Added 3 Moons! Town Square, Silent Town, and Mayhem Temple! 11 Moons so far
v1.0.6 Release
- Added 1 Moon! Hyrule Field! 8 Moons so far
v1.0.5 Release
- Added 2 Moons! Luke 78 and Happy Town! 7 Moons so far
v1.0.1 Release
- Added 1 Moon! E1M1! 5 Moons so far
v1.0.0 Release
- Separated from the Scrap pack! 4 Moons so far