
  • Improved Water Shaders


  • Applied a smoothing feature on some objects to make them look less blocky.


  • Decreased the height of grass by about 30%
  • Added randomly placed ferns across the moons surface.
  • Increased the distance of Fog when it's Foggy.
  • Barbers are a nighttime spawning enemy instead of a daytime enemy.
  • Swapped the Interior Barber and Snare Fleas Spawn weights. (10 / 35)
  • Increased the Max scrap count. (16 => 18)
  • Water Reed items are slightly more common.
  • Fun Stuff dips into the Dungeon.
  • Added a few more trees to the peripheries of the map.


  • LLL dependencies updated.


  • Installed Counter Strike Source.


  • changed the internal name for the Reeds materials so they won't solidify and trap players when playing with Lethal Elements' snow Weathers.


  • changed the internal name for the Reeds in the water so they won't solidify and trap players when playing with Lethal Elements' snow Weathers.


  • Fixed the missing Sound and Icon references on the Water Reed (sausage) item.
  • Increased the Rarity of the Mansion Dungeon. (140 => 185)
  • Increased the Rarity of the Mineshaft Dungeon (10 => 25)
  • Removed Turrets and Landmines, Replaced them with Spike roof traps.
  • Beehives have a rare chance to spawn inside to Balance the removal of Turrets and Landmines.
  • Increased the weight of Barbers. (5 => 10)
  • Increased the weight of Spiders. (40 => 45)
  • Increased the weight of Blobs. (25 => 35)
  • Increased the weight of Yippees. (60 => 65)
  • Increased the weight of Locusts. (35 => 39)
  • Decreased the Weight of Worms Outside. (8 => 4)
  • Decreased the Weight of Eyeless Dogs. (16 => 15)
  • Increased the Weight of Baboon Hawks. (42 => 46)
  • Increased the Weight of Forest Giants. (84 => 85)
  • Swamp Trees are now tagged with Wood, and are on the Room Layer, If Forest Giants could see you through the trees they shouldn't anymore.


  • Project Reimporting neccesitated fixing a multitude of broken references, I've forgotten what's been changed, added and fixed.


  • Updated internal LLL dependencies.


  • Outside Ambiance properly plays again when entering or exiting the facility.


  • The Water Sausages have a nicer looking High Poly model when up close.
  • Added a moon exclusive scrap, the Water Sausage.
  • Grass looks a bit better when up close.
  • Changed the Water Material.
  • Added another bridge in the center of the map.
  • When Stormy or Foggy, the Moon shouldn't be pitch black anymore.
  • Added a few Torches along the main path.


  • Added a New Moon prefab in orbit.


  • If quicksand wasn't visible before, it definitely should be now.
  • Lowered the navmesh blocking space to allow enemies in the water.
  • Entities should appear slightly earlier inside the facility.
  • Added a particle effect resembling Fireflies.
  • There are places where the Navmesh resides that enemies can't reach, I've placed offlinks so in case they get stuck there, they can get down.
  • Added Beehives outside with a low weight of 5.
  • Increased a certain outside spawning mob a teeny bit.
  • New Icon by BBAPepsiMan


  • Release Version.
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