An Unreal Interior modeled after the Skaarj Mothership and Skybase.Based off the endgame levels in the Original Unreal Campaign, The Skaarj traverse across the Galaxy, subjagating alien races they deem lesser. The cramped confines of the Skaarj outpost lay empty, not a single warrior or scout patrolling the still operating systems found within, The spoils of the Outpost remain for the taking by prospective Employees.
Playing on moons with certain LLL Content tags affect the interior.
- 'Starship' changes the Color scheme from white and green to blue and red.
- 'Atomic' changes the Color scheme from white and green to Yellow and Green.
- 'Military' changes the Color scheme from white and green to Red and White.
You can change these settings in Lethal Level Loaders Configs by setting "Enable Content Configuration" to true, and manually changing the values to your liking.