An Unreal Interior modeled after the Skaarj Mothership and Skybase.1.3.0
- More extensive normal mapping.
- 1 new tile, The 'Intruder discouragement room'.
- Minor Lighting improvements in hallways and doors.
- Added Lunar Lights, Realestudios' Vulcan9 port, Prominence, Starlancers moons and Frostfall to the Default moon weight presets.
- Added Generics Moons to the Default moon weight presets.
- Project Reimporting neccesitated fixing a multitude of broken references, I've forgotten what's been changed, added and fixed.
- If played on moons tagged with 'Atomic', the pale white and green lights become Green and Yellow.
- Fixed some incorrectly configured Klaxon Spawners.
- Hallway Blocker lights have a subtle glowing light.
- Fixed some broken transparencies.
- Filesize optimizations
- Added Rosies moons to the list of default Weights
- Updated internal LLL dependencies.
- If Klaxons are enabled, they begin playing when the Apparatus is pulled.
- Doors have pneumatic opening and closing sounds from Unreal.
- Pillars have been placed in the Entry room, these are to help mitigate cheap shot kills from turrets pointing into the room.
- Overhaul of default weights.
- Materials are now GPU instanced, this should squeeze a bit more performance when used.
- Fixed a room boundary that caused room clipping in rare instances.
- Updated JLL version used and dependecies to 1.7.4.
- Added JLL as a dependecy.
- Lasers are more lasery looking.
- If played on USC Vortex, the pale white and green lights become red and blue.
- Added Klaxons playing throughout the facility. These are turned off by default.
- Added Lithium to the list of default moon matches.
- Lighting overhaul.
- Lighting overhaul.
- Added boxes to the hangar to make it feel less empty.
- Made the fire exit Light brighter.
- Removed the connector Hall lights.
- Removed Security door spawns, The Laser gates are now this interiors versions of them. They also only generate in the Holding Cell rooms and X-Room near the end of the dungeon.
- rebalanced connector door weights.
- Laser gates no longer kill, but they Hurt a lot.
- Fire Exits should no longer spawn in the first quarter of the dungeon.
- Removed the lights from the Generator for Performance.
- Added a standard Dynamic Dungeon limiter of 1.9.
- Laser gates play a noise when they game end you.
- New Entrance Tile
- dungeon length increased. (10-11 => 11-12) It should be the same length in practice however.
- Added security doors, they spawn very rarely.
- New Icon.
- Updated the Readme and moon weights.
- Crunched File sizes into a singularity
- Added 1 new Asymetrical tile to give the Dungeon more variety.
- Changed how Laser Gates Work.
- Fixed a potential Laser gate desync.
- Ported to V60
- Ported to LLL V.1.3.9
- Reduced the chance of the entry room having a door.
- Fixed misplaced AI nodes.
- Fixed an incorrectly tagged room.
- Fixed some wild navmesh issues in the Hangar Room.
- Hazard Spawns in rooms were shuffled.
- Fire Exit lights are brighter and more Conspiscuous.
- Added Cambrian to the list of Default moon assignments.
- scrap and Hazard spawn ranges Increased in places.
- Adjusted the Generator room Lighting.
- 2 New Tiles, A storage bay and a fancy hallway.
- Changes to Dungeon Generation.
- Release Version