
  • Minor spelling mistake fixed.
  • Removed an invisible collider.
  • Increased outside nutcracker chances slightly. (5 => 10)
  • Slight increase to the interior spawn curve.


  • environmental details added.
  • Pools of Radioactive sludge dwell in some pits. It also harms entities, not that they will step in them.
  • The Commodore waits another 15 seconds before activating. This will not impact your ability to enter it.
  • Added JLL as a dependency.
  • Watchtowers generally point in the Direction of the Main Entrance.
  • Removed the central warehouse, allowing for a more direct path to main.
  • Moved the Mold Attraction point.
  • Snowy foliage and bramble patches can generate randomly.
  • Background changes to the sun, as well as a neat Halo effect.
  • The enemies of Ultimatum were thrown together rather slap dashedly with obnoxious difficulty, A total rebalance while maintaining a S+++ difficulty has ensued.
  • Added Rainy as a possible weather.


  • LLL dependencies updated.


  • Project Reimporting neccesitated fixing a multitude of broken references, I've forgotten what's been changed, added and fixed.


  • Added the 'Atomic' Tag.


  • Updated internal LLL dependencies.


  • Shipping containers were on the Prop layer, making them intangible. this has been rectified.


  • Watchtowers floating in the air are now properly on the ground.
  • Lowered the Route Price. (2100 => 1850)
  • Increased the weight of Fancy Lamps, Lowered the Weight of Steering wheels.


  • Release Version.
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