

  • Lights in tunnels function properly again.


Guardia Fortress

  • Disco balls in party fortress no longer persist. Disco fever is over.


Guardia Fortress

  • Party fortress decorations no longer persist if you have the setting disabled.


Gothic Monastery

  • Snow now uses the same particles from Lethal elements. (Big thankies to Voxx)
  • You can now play as Luigi.

Accursed Crypts

  • Snow now uses the same particles from Lethal elements. (Big thankies to Voxx)



  • Overhauled default Weights.

Dreary Pipeworks

  • Replaced the Water shaders.

Gothic Monastery

  • Improved weather modifiers, Snow falls from ceilings when the weather is Blizzard or Snowfall from Lethal Elements.
  • If playing on Luigis mansion, the Interiors color scheme takes a Green and Blue Hue.

Guardia Fortress

  • More Party Fortress additions.


  • Normal mapping added to materials.
  • Dirt piles are scattered around Overgrown Metro.
  • Barrels have a chance to be lit on fire.
  • In-Universe Advertisements from UT99 are scattered across the Metros interior.

Niven Reactor

  • Added JLL as a dependency.
  • If played on Sorrow, The lights take a greenish tinge.
  • If played on a Military tagged moon, Lights take a Reddish Tinge.
  • Lighting changes and improvements.
  • Improved the hitboxes on the Pipes in the Coolant room to make them easier to parkour across.
  • 2 new tiles to improve the deeper regions of the interiors tileset Variety.

Accursed Crypts

  • If played on Haunted moons, The Interior Lights turn Purple and Orange.
  • If Played on Tundra moons, Fire exit lights and Interior lights swap colorations.
  • Improved weather modifiers, Snow falls from ceilings when the weather is Blizzard or Snowfall from Lethal Elements.
  • Fixed an incorrectly assigned Socket Connector.
  • Spike Traps.



  • Added a bunch of moons to the default Weights.

Dreary Pipeworks

  • Fixed The entry rooms compatibility with Zeranos

Niven Reactor

  • Fixed The entry rooms compatibility with Zeranos



  • Updated LLL Dependencies.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Now Compatible with Zeranos.

Niven Reactor

  • Now Compatible with Zeranos.


Guardia Fortress

  • Guardia Fortress becomes Party Fortress on moons tagged with 'Fun'

Accursed Crypts

  • Fixed multiple rooms with incorrectly tagged floors.


  • Fixed the Maintenance Tunnel lights not shutting off when the Power is off.



  • Added Generics Moons to the presets.

Gothic Monastery

  • Rain falls from the open ceilings when the weather is Rainy, Stormy, or Flooded.

Accursed Crypts

  • Rain falls from the open ceilings when the weather is Rainy, Stormy, or Flooded.



  • Somehow forgot to include the information for Accursed crypts in the Readme. It's there now.
  • The mod description now properly reflects the fact there are 6 interiors in the pack.
  • Updated the information about Gothic Monasteries Tag Modifiers.


  • Fixed Missing textures in the Parking Garage.
  • Added a detail to one of the tunnels.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Fixed the missing textures on Water drips.

Gothic Monastery

  • Fixed the Courtyard room Tag modifiers.

Guardia Fortress

  • The Hangar should properly spawn the Old bird now.
  • Fixed the Boom Door.



  • Added the sixth dungeon, The Accursed Crypts.
  • Project Reimporting neccesitated fixing a multitude of broken references, I've forgotten what's been changed, added and fixed..



  • Filesize Optimization

Niven Reactor

  • Changes to various lights temperature filters, The Deeper facility is colder toned, the earlier regions are warmer toned.



  • Added Rosies moons to the list of default Weights.

Gothic Monastery

  • Raised the height of the Coffin in the Mausoleum room.



  • Updated internal LLL dependencies.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Doors have new sounds from Unreal Tournament.
  • Fixed the Positioning of Doors when at Rest.

Guardia Fortress

  • Doors have new sounds from Unreal Tournament.


  • Vault Doors have new sounds from Unreal Tournament.

Niven Reactor

  • Fire Exits spawn more frequently in the latter regions of the dungeon, preventing failed Fire Exit generations.


Gothic Monastery

  • New door sounds from Unreal Tournament.


Niven Reactor

  • Added LOD groups to some objects to help Performance.
  • Changed the Door Animations.
  • Doors have Sounds from Unreal Tournament.
  • Removed unneccesary Mesh Colliders.


Gothic Monastery

  • If played on moons tagged with Pinkwater, the interior becomes 'Seichi Monastery'.
  • The Blizzard ambience plays if the Dungeon is on a Tundra Moon.
  • Extra Details are added to rooms when the Dungeon is on a Tundra Moon.
  • Removed the Unreal tag, since dungeon tags aren't used by LLL anyway.
  • 2 new tiles, the T-Stairwell, and the Mausoleum Intersection in the Undercroft.

Niven Reactor

  • Adjusted interior weights.
  • 1 New tile, the Command Room.


Niven Reactor

  • Enforced Fire Exit spawning on certain rooms


Guardia Fortress

  • The old bird event is fixed but for real now, Thank you Jacob


Guardia Fortress

  • Guardias Apparatus pull event didn't have a network object, leading to desynced old birds. this should be fixed.



  • The Tunnel platforms are more detailed now.
  • The Maintenance Tunnels can have doors now.
  • 1 new Main tunnel tile, the Cross intersection.
  • 3 New Maintenance tunnel tiles. the Ring Pit, Storage closet, and the T-Pipe section.


Guardia Fortress

  • Missile Launcher props are scattered throughout the warehouse region. These are non functional. (for now)
  • Pathing fixes for the Main Entrance. Masked and other entities should get stuck less often.
  • Turrets are banned entirely from spawning in the Warehouse region, Landmine spawns are reduced in the Power station region.
  • Spike traps can spawn in the basic hallways in the Power station region.
  • The Hangar door will open under the right conditions.



  • Materials are GPU instanced, and should run smoother.
  • Overhaul of default weights.

Gothic Monastery

  • Removed Unused materials and textures to free up a few kilobytes.

Niven Reactor

  • Increased the Fire Exit weight in side paths to prevent cases of insufficient exits on moons with more of them.


Niven Reactor

  • No More Wall Turrets.


Gothic Monastery

  • The Undercroft and basic hallways can generate with additional enviromental details to them.
  • Restored a simpler version of the elevator.
  • Simplified some backend things with the content tag modifiers.
  • Fixed a collider with a certain room.
  • Fixed Windows not being occluded by fog properly.

Niven Reactor

  • Ladders are climbable by entities.


Gothic Monastery

  • The elevators broke in V65, so they have been temporarily replaced with ladders while I fix them.

Niven Reactor

  • Changed a wall blocker to prevent fringe cases of turrets peeking out of bounds.



  • Updated JLL version used and dependecies to 1.7.4.

Dreary Pipeworks

  • When unpowered, facility lights dim by about 75% instead of going out completely.
  • Extra cheese details to Cheese Pipeworks.

Niven Reactor

  • Added Harloth to the list of Default moon selections.


Niven Reactor

  • Fixed doors blocking the Main Entrance.
  • Widened the Hallway door frames to cover seams in rooms.



  • Added the Fifth Dungeon, The Niven Nuclear Reactor.


  • Backend changes to make the interior work as intended with Cullfactory.
  • Added JLL as a dependecy.
  • If played on moons tagged with Valley, the interior becomes Overgrown with plants. this is enabled by default.

Gothic Monastery

  • Added a Halloween mode override, Disabled by default. If enabled, It will force enable Spooky mode regardless of the moon landed on.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Tag based modifiers Have been split into individual options, you can toggle the ones you want and don't want.

Gothic Monastery

  • Tag based modifiers Have been split into individual options, you can toggle the ones you want and don't want.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Tag based modifiers have a config option. they are enabled by default.

Gothic Monastery

  • Tag based modifiers have a config option. they are enabled by default.


Gothic Monastery

  • The holes in certain rooms have been fixed, except for one, it's intentionally there on haunted moons now.

Guardia Fortress

  • Fixed some incorrectly configured spawn zones.


  • 1 New tile, the Split Tunnel.
  • Dungeon Length change. (7-7 => 7-8)
  • Increased the weights of shorter tunnels segments slightly.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Forgot to tone down the Volumetric lighting properties. the tissue has ben Risottoed.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Added JLL as a dependecy.
  • General Lighting rework.
  • If played on moons tagged with Cheese, the interior becomes 'Cheesy Pipeworks'.
  • If played on moons tagged with Volcanic, The systems will be flooded with deadly Lava.


Gothic Monastery

  • Added JLL as a dependecy.
  • If played on moons tagged with Haunted, the interior becomes 'Ghastly Monastery'.
  • If played on moons tagged with Tundra, Snow falls on ground exposed to the sky.
  • If played on moons tagged with Ocean, The basement will be flooded again.


  • Lowered the default dynamic size limiter. (1.6 => 1.5)
  • Emergency lights are a teeny bit brighter.
  • Reduced the volumetric properties and range on Fire Exit and Main entrance lights.
  • Added measures to try preventing items from spawning inside Train seats.
  • Platform Exits Should be properly boarded up if unusable.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • All Standard Lights are about 40% brighter.
  • Changed the properties in the metal mesh texture to not look wonky when exposed to volumetric light and fog.


  • Correctly tagged doorway blockers in the maintenance tunnels.



  • Which Station platforms are Fire Exits or not are better telegraphed.
  • No more paper thin walls between subway tunnel connections.
  • Hopefully fixed Pathfinding quirks.



  • Added the fourth Dungeon, The CIDOM Metro.

Gothic Monastery

  • Remove the Basement flooding.
  • Adapted the Mineshaft elevator, It might be buggy and behave weirdly.
  • It's spooky season, and the Monastery has been Decorated as such.
  • Removed animations controlling the Lights.

Guardia Fortress

  • Removed the CIDOM Metro teaser.
  • Added some Scrap spawn points in the Hangar.


Gothic Monastery

  • Cave Nodes for the Man Eater.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Dreary pipeworks caps in size at the 1.5x dungeon size multiplier.


Gothic Monastery

  • Fixed a navmesh issue.


Guardia Fortress

  • Fixed a box with a Null reference.
  • Added LOD groups to more objects.
  • Replaced the Mesh Colliders on computer panels with box colliders.

Dreary Pipeworks

  • Added LOD groups to some objects.


Guardia Fortress

  • Walls in the Warehouse region have LOD groups, and the range of multiple lights have been reduced. This should improve performance on larger dungeon multipliers.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Shrunk the pipe hitboxes to not overlap with Steam valves.

Guardia Fortress

  • Added details to doors that cover up gaps in certain doorways.



  • New Icons to better represent what the dungeons look like.

Dreary Pipeworks

  • Added Steam Pipes to the first third of the dungeon.
  • Added Water drip effects in some rooms.
  • Fixed missing seams.
  • Breaker boxes now only spawn in the first third of the dungeon, making it easier to get to if the dungeon starts dark.

Gothic Monastery

  • 1 new tile, the pedestal room.

Guardia Fortress

  • 1 new tile, A T-Shaped room with a shelf items can spawn on, in the Command Center region of the dungeon.


Gothic Monastery

  • Adjusted the position of the fire exit teleporters a teeny amount.

Guardia Fortress

  • Fixed the Boom door in the entryway, the invisible wall is gone and the C4 blows you up. Stand back.
  • Removed a lot of Backfaces in walls.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Removed the Moon teasers.

Gothic Monastery

  • Removed the Moon teasers.
  • 2 new tiles.
  • The Undercrofts can rarely be flooded.
  • Itty bitty max branch count increase. (42 => 44)

Guardia Fortress

  • Various changes to the first half of the dungeon to make it slightly less unbearable if you're playing on a moon with a high Nutcracker or Turret count.
  • 1 new tile, the Pillar.
  • Enemies can climb up the Ladder in the Hangar.



  • Crunched File sizes into a singularity, all 3 interiors bundled went from 17 MB to 9 MB.

Dreary Pipeworks

  • Updated the Readme and moon weights.

Gothic Monastery

  • Updated the Readme and moon weights.

Guardia Fortress

  • Updated the Readme and moon weights.


Guardia Fortress

  • Fixed an incorrectly assigned empty socket in the entry room.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Added Gorgonzola to the Default Moon config
  • Halation Listed in the Readme, it was already in there.
  • Properly tagged the catwalks in the Pipemaze water 4 way.
  • Sockets had incorrectly assigned emptys, this is fixed now.



  • Ported to V60.
  • Ported to LLL V.1.3.9.
  • New Interior, the Guardia Fortress.

Dreary Pipeworks

  • Brightened the Fire Exit light.
  • Removed Kill triggers from all pits of water, you still can't escape them without outside intervention. Hope you bought a teleporter.


Gothic Monastery

  • Fixed some missing references.


Dreary Pipeworks

  • Added an Off Mesh link between the Bridges in the Transition Room.


  • Shuffled the hazard spawns.
  • Added Fray and Temper to the list of default moon matches for Gothic Monastery, Cambrian and Sierra for Dreary Pipeworks.


  • Gothic Monastery door frames have collision now.
  • Fixed an incorrect Door assignment in Gothic Monsteryyyy.
  • ???


  • Fixed the god awful flickering in Dreary Pipeworks.


  • Dreary Pipeworks doors are no longer offcenter and have a new animation.
  • Lighting Adjustments in Dreary Pipeworks.
  • The grate in Drearys Opening room should have the correct appearance now.
  • Reworked the Cross bridge in Dreary Pipeworks.
  • Gothic Monastery Doors have a window in them to the next room.
  • Normal mapping!
  • Added a few scrap spawn points in dreary Pipeworks.


  • Entry rooms should play nicer with Cullfactory.
  • Raised the Ceiling in the double bridge room in Dreary pipeworks.
  • Turrets will not be able to see you through walls now.
  • 1 New tile for Dreary pipeworks in the Pipe Maze, A downward sloping pipe. Watch your step
  • 1 New tile for Gothic Monastery, A corner room with a Decorated Table.


  • Fixed a window into the void in Gothic Monastery.
  • Elevators in Gothic Monastery can no longer be locked.
  • Removed Hazard spawn point from the the Double bridge room in Dreary Pipeworks.


  • Lights In Dreary Pipeworks adjusted, Blue lights are brighter and Yellow lights are less Saturated.


  • Release Version.
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