My first project and enemy for Lethal Company! This is an attempt to create an enemy that roams the map taunting you.v0.6.1 - Compatibility & Fixes
New Features:
- Enhanced Monsters Compatibility:
- Added compatibility with the Enhanced Monsters mod. WIP.
Bug Fixes:
- Modified the animator controller for the die animation of the gargoyle.
- Fixed an issue with the gargoyle statue scrap not being activated properly on servers.
- Enhanced Monsters compatibility is currently under development by the mod author.
v0.6.0 - The Gargoyle's Treasure
New Features:
- Gargoyle Statue Scrap:
- Added a new gargoyle statue scrap item that can be found in the game.
- The Eyeless Dog can hear the gargoyle statue scrap.
- The gargoyle statue scrap has its own voice lines!
- Sound Effects:
- The gargoyle now has footstep sound effects.
- Updated various assets for improved visuals and sound effects.
v0.5.0 - The Talkative Gargoyle
New Features:
- Activity-Based Taunts:
- The gargoyle now reacts to various player activities with unique taunts.
- Added 21 new voice lines for activity-based taunts.
- Added 1 new voice line for nearby gargoyle detection.
- Added 1 new voice line for SteamID taunts. (This is just to get the taunt type loaded. Additions will need to be added by the host in the Custom Voice Lines folder.)
- Custom Steam ID Taunts:
- You can now add custom taunts for specific players by placing OGG files in the "Taunt - SteamIDs" folder, using the player's Steam ID as the file name prefix.
- Audio System:
- Refactored taunt logic for better performance and maintainability.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed minor bugs related to gargoyle behavior and AI.
- Updated enemy names in taunt clips to align with internal names.
- Gargoyle AI:
- Improved gargoyle AI responsiveness.
- Optimized the process of finding nearby railings.
- Refined targeting logic for improved efficiency.
- Performance:
- Significantly improved gargoyle performance through various optimizations, including:
- Replacing LINQ methods with more efficient loops.
- Utilizing optimized distance calculations.
- Caching frequently accessed values.
- Reducing redundant function calls.
- Significantly improved gargoyle performance through various optimizations, including:
These changes enhance the gargoyle's performance and responsiveness, leading to smoother gameplay.
v0.4.1 - Hot Fix
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed one of the new methods erroring out if Coroner was not installed.
v0.4.0 - The Pushy Gargoyle
New Features:
- Push Attack:
- Added a new "PushTarget" attack pattern where the gargoyle attempts to push players off edges.
- Implemented a new cause of death in Coroner for deaths caused by gargoyle pushes.
- New Voice Lines:
- Added a voice line for the gargoyle push death.
- Configuration:
- Added a config option to enable or disable the "PushTarget" attack.
- Nerfed default value for Aggro Range from 6 to 4.
- Gargoyle AI:
- Adjusted pathfinding logic to support the new
state. - Added a 45-second cooldown to the
state after a successful push. - Prevented line of sight from breaking the
state within aggro range. - Improved target selection to distribute targets more evenly among players.
- Gargoyles now attempt to spread their targets across all players in the same area.
- Improved base pathfinding to utilize positions near AI nodes instead of directly on them, increasing pathing options and preventing gargoyle stacking.
- Decreased speed in the aggressive state.
- Introduced caching for AI nodes to avoid redundant lookups.
- Adjusted pathfinding logic to support the new
- CoronerClass:
- Changed the registry name of the gargoyle push death to avoid conflicts.
- Performance:
- Optimized
for improved performance and readability.
- Optimized
- Attack Changes:
- Removed the fear level component from the gargoyle's attack.
- Updated the README with the latest changes and improvements.
- Separated vanilla Prior Death and Coroner Prior Death voice lines in the "Current Voice Lines" section.
- Added Employee Classes voice lines to the "Current Voice Lines" section.
- Updated the
localization file with new death messages for the gargoyle push death.
v0.3.0 Employee Classes Update
New Features:
- Employee Classes Integration:
- Added soft dependency on the Employee Classes mod.
- The gargoyle now taunts players based on their chosen class if the Employee Classes mod is installed.
- Added a "Taunt - EmployeeClass" folder for custom voice lines related to employee classes.
- Added new voice lines for each employee class (Scout, Brute, Maintenance, Researcher, Employee).
- Taunt Variations:
- Implemented logic to randomly select from multiple audio clips with the same base name for Enemy, PriorDeath and Class taunts.
- Coroner Taunts:
- Moved Coroner PriorDeath taunts into a subfolder to prevent loading if the Coroner mod is not installed.
- Guaranteed Taunt Variation:
- Added logic to ensure the gargoyle will perform a taunt from a different category (Enemy, PriorDeath, or EmployeeClasses) after a set number of consecutive general taunts.
- The number of consecutive general taunts allowed is dynamically determined based on installed mods and player states.
- Audio System:
- Optimized audio clip loading by adjusting the timing of the
- Optimized audio clip loading by adjusting the timing of the
- File Structure:
- Reorganized the file structure in the source directory.
- Gargoyle AI:
- Optimized gargoyle AI for improved performance and behavior.
- Optimized animation and state transitions for smoother movement.
- Added the ability for the gargoyle to target players even when outside.
- Introduced the ability for the gargoyle to close doors behind it.
- Updated acceleration, stopping distance, auto braking, and angular speed to improve target following during chases.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the gargoyle would get stuck in the
state when spawned in front of a player. - Attmepted to improve the gargoyle AI for smoother animation transitions.
- Updated the README with the latest changes and improvements.
v0.2.0 Custom Voices Update
Audio System Rework:
- Voice lines are now loaded from folders within the plugin's directory instead of the asset bundle.
- The host loads audio lists at the start of a game.
- Clients receive audio data from the host upon joining.
- Added a "Custom Voice Lines" folder for replacing or adding custom voice lines (see
for details).
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed enemy warning taunts.
Dependency Changes:
- Added NVorbis library for OGG decoding.
- Added Concentus dependency for required system libraries:
- Updated the README with the latest changes and improvements.
- Reformatted the changelog to display the latest version at the top.
New Features:
- Coroner Integration:
- Added soft dependency on the Coroner mod for custom causes of death.
- Expanded prior death taunts to include causes of death from the base game and the Coroner mod (78 new taunts).
- The gargoyle now taunts its target based on how they died in the previous round.
- New Voice Lines:
- Added 3 new aggro taunts.
- Added 2 new general taunts.
- Added 2 gargoyle attack voice lines.
- Added 2 gargoyle hit voice lines.
- Gameplay Adjustments:
- Adjusted gargoyle aggro state to be more challenging.
- Fixed gargoyle attack rate to prevent exceeding 1 attack per second.
- Reduced the maximum distance of gargoyle voice lines.
- Fixed enemy clips being incorrectly included in general taunts.
- Reduced the default idle range from 30 to 20 to improve target following.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the gargoyle's health was accidentally set to 0.
- Fixed enemy clips being pulled into general taunts.
- Optimized pathfinding and code for improved performance.
- Fixed various pathfinding issues.
- Fixed spelling errors in the README.
- Fixed an issue where the gargoyle could become permanently angry.
- Separated enemy taunts from general taunts and reduced their frequency.
- Fixed animation desynchronization issues.
- Fixed potential taunt desynchronization issues.
- Increased the aggro taunt timer.
- Fixed the swing attack.
- Fixed gargoyles talking at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where the gargoyle would not wander.
- Added voice line synchronization between clients.
- Increased the idle range.
- Improved animation handling to prevent walking in place.
- Added logic to prevent the gargoyle from getting permanently angry.
- Initial release.