Adds a Ready Check system during the ship phase to let players make sure everyone is ready.Ready Company
A mod that adds a Ready Check system, inspired by FFXIV. It is highly customizable, and built with real users in mind.
It fully supports MoreCompany and I tried my best not to conflict with any other mods or give you the option to fix it.
You can change how the ready and unready binds need to be pressed to activate in LethalConfig.
Theres a few built in presets for you to use, but you can fully customize it with a string, and you can use the presets for reference.
The custom string is a Unity Interactions string.
There is custom sound support that can be utilized by placing sound files in BepInEx/config/Enova.ReadyCompany/CustomSounds/
Your sounds must be formatted according to LCSoundTool's wiki,
and all audio files will be selected from randomly to play whenever the ready status changes.
You can also add separate sounds for specifically when the lobby is ready by placing sound files in BepInEx/config/Enova.ReadyCompany/CustomSounds/LobbyReady
Known Issues
- Lever tooltips are sometimes inaccurate to vanilla (Can't fix until LethalLevelLoader fixes it first, but it has been improved)
Planned (Maybe) Features
- Standby option: "i'm AFK but you can start without me"
- Countdown for lever auto pull
- Auto ready under certain user-specified conditions
mattymatty97 for their implementation of knowing when a player has fully connected:
LCSoundTool for the entire AudioUtility class:
My friends for being nicies to me :3