Adds a Ready Check system during the ship phase to let players make sure everyone is ready.Changelog
- Fixed an issue where the player would erroniously toggle ready state while pressing the bind in a pause menu or in the terminal using the Hold interaction
- Fixed many bugs associated with the ship lever and it's tooltips
- MagicWesley's Galetry starts a vote just like Gordion (along with any other custom moon that 1. Does not have time and 2. Does not spawn scrap)
- Ready status text disappears almost immediately on the client as well as the server
- Added colored checkmark/cross to indicate readiness
- Ready check disappears at the same time for clients and server
- Fixed bug where rebinding an input would cause interactions to be lost
- Show gamepad bindings when it's active
- Fixed a few bugs regarding incorrect hover tips on start match lever
- Fixed start match lever hover tips showing when they should not
- Prevent voting when special menus are open (belt bag)
- Only update and verify the ready status if you are the host player.
0.4.0 (1.0.RC6)
- Fixed issue where keybinds are not setup until a save is loaded
- Fixed issue where changing interaction preset through an external mod manager like Gale would not update the interaction string
- Fixed issue where all players were assumed dead when DeadPlayersCanVote is disabled
- Fixed issue where the ship doesn't autostart when the host is dead
- Fixed a handful of misc bugs that I can't remember the specifics of.
0.3.1 (1.0.RC5)
- Fixed bug with Ship Lever tips not resetting
- Changed default keybind for ready/unready to 'c'
- Don't allow the player to vote under certain conditions
- Show different header text in popup when lobby is ready
- Add config option to not allow dead players to vote (Forces them to be ready)
Version 0.3.0 (1.0.RC4)
- Ready Checking is now enabled on Gordion to leave the moon.
- LethalConfig is now an optional/soft dependency
Version 0.2.7 (1.0.RC2)
Considered feature complete; New updates will likely slow down once 1.0 is out.
- Added presets for different interaction methods with the ready and unready binds
- The position of the ready status text is now configurable
- Added changelog to package