
  • Added a popup during the start of the round to show you the DailyQuota
  • Added two experimental fixes to try to fix some game stuff(disabled by default)


  • DailyQuota scaling for player
  • Networking optimization and fixes
  • Added and changed some config(it's probably better to regenerate them)


  • Fixed GeneralImprovements compatibility when betterMonitors is turned off
  • Fix for when GeneralImprovements betterMonitors is turned on the profit quota monitor not updating after a penalty


  • Updated description ad manifest(mod is still 2.5.0)


  • GeneralImprovements full compatibility
  • Fixed penalty screem transpiler now it actually has a proper delay
  • Fixed some typos
  • Fixed config checks


  • Fixed a stupid issue with GeneralImprovements monitor not updating after the first day
  • Fixed another stupid issue, the quota monitor text wasn't updating(I probably should go to sleep)


  • Added a compatibility for LethalFixes lever cooldown patch because it was preventing my patch to apply a lever cooldown
  • Added a compatibility for BetterShipScreens UpdateShipScreens patch because it was preventing my monitor text to show up
  • Added a compatibility for GeneralImprovements (Special thanks to Zaggy1024 I had to check how to do the compatibility on the Openbodycams source code lol), it just switch the quota monitor like normal.
  • Added LethalConfig compatibility, you can modify the config in realtime(not during the round though).
  • Fixed the deadline days monitor displaying the new day before the end of the round(now the quota monitor should be compatible with most mods that do some changes to it)
  • Added some mods to the compatible section of the description
  • Added a new Known issue section with an issue in the description
  • Changed the endOfRound patch to a transpiler now it's gonna show the xp and level before starting to show the penalty
  • Fixed some weird starting logic(i am dumb)
  • Added a null check when looking for the quotaReachedCanvas
  • Added some code to disable the DailyQuota in case the mod can't calculate the DailyQuota
  • Added configs!
  • Added LethalNetworkAPI Dependency


  • The quota penality is now higher
  • Slight change to the penality screen
  • Fixed daily quota text still remaining after the ship is in orbit but before the day is changed
  • New alert when you interact with the lever and the daily quota isn't met
  • Slight change to the description to make it a little bit more clear what the mod does


  • Mod released
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