Makes the ship travel to a random moon every day. With configurable limited rerolls per player!RandomRouteOnly
A simple mod to make your runs more interesting by making your ship travel to a random moon every day for free (unless there are 0 quota days remaining). On the final day the ship will fly to the Company and land automatically.
By default each player in the lobby can use the random command in the terminal to reroll the moon only once per quota (configurable)! Routing to specific moons manually is disabled! You can however enable always being able to route to the Company in the config.
You can also configure how many days can be spent consecutively on a moon before the ship automatically routes to a new random moon. The default is 1 (the ship will reroute every day). If you set this higher the game will keep track of the moon you were on before going to the Company. After leaving the Company it will automatically take you back there as long as you haven't reached the limit of consecutive days for it yet. This tracking of consecutive days does not carry over between game restarts.
Another thing you can configure is how many of the previous moons should be excluded when routing randomly (to reduce repeats). The value you configure here will also automatically apply to the random command from routerandom-redexed.
I highly recommend setting SkipConfirmation to true in the config of routerandom-redexed. This will make the process of rerolling moons faster and better.
Known issues
- A player's reroll is "used up" even if the random command is cancelled in the end or used without effect. Should pretty much never happen if you set SkipConfirmation to true in the routerandom-redexed config
- stormytuna for making the original routerandom mod
- blink9803 for making AutoFlyToCompany which was a nice little reference and inspiration