Makes the ship travel to a random moon every day. With configurable limited rerolls per player!1.5.4
- Fixed the ship routing to a random moon when loading a save that's already at the Company on the final day of quota
- Fixed ship lever softlock caused by changes from LethalLevelLoader 1.4.0
- Hotfix for compatibility issue with LethalConstellations
- Hotfix
- Added a config that can be used to increase the variety of the random moon selection, "Number of previous moons to avoid": How many of the most recently routed to moons should be removed from the random routing pool. Set it to -1 if you want to avoid any and all moon repeats for as long as possible. The default value is 0
- Fixed the mod not being able to automatically route to hidden moons like Artifice and Embrion
- Added LethalConstellations compatibility. The ship will now only auto-route to moons in the current constellation. Can be disabled in the config
- Replaced the RouteRandom dependency with a fork featuring newly added constellations support
- Fixed the random command being unusable if SkipConfirmation was not enabled in the routerandom config
- Added config "Max consecutive days per moon" which lets you control how long the ship will stay at each moon before automatically routing to random. Can also be used to make the ship "never" automatically fly to a new random moon by setting the value to an arbitrary large number like 100. If you route to the Company before reaching the max consecutive days then the ship will return to the previous moon after leaving the Company. Consecutive days per moon are not tracked across game restarts
- The ship can no longer automatically route to moons that aren't registered in the terminal (for LLL config compatibility)
- Fixed the ship not routing to a random moon upon loading a save where it is orbiting the company
- The ship will no longer route to a random moon if you load a save that is still on day 1 of quota 1 but not orbiting Experimentation
- Fixed getting softlocked if a save is loaded where the ship was not orbiting the company on the final day. Now the ship auto routes to the company in this situation too
- Added config for changing the amount of rerolls per player per quota. Set to 0 to disable rerolling entirely
- Added config for always allowing manual routing to the company
- Fixed manually routing to modded moons not being prevented (may still not work for any modded moons that don't use the correct naming scheme for their terminal route command - Please report exceptions that don't work)
- Should have fixed weird issues happening when automatically landing at the company
- The terminal now shows how many rerolls you have left after using the random command
- Fixed typo
- Fixed dependencies
- Fixed short description
- Initial release