Adds a new enemy capable of absorbing electrical objectsLight Eater
The Light Eater is a new threat lurking in the dungeon, absorbing any electrical source it encounters. It hunts down lights and drains their energy, gradually plunging the environment into darkness.
Seeking Energy
- The Light Eater instinctively moves toward active light sources to absorb their energy.
- If it encounters a light, mine, turret, or any grabbable object with an energy source, it will absorb it before continuing its path.
- After a configurable hour, the Light Eater can target the ship, draining its power and disabling some functionalities.
- If it detects an energy-based enemy (configurable list), it prioritizes absorbing it—unless already pursuing a light or chasing a player. Absorbed enemies are instantly killed.
- In stormy weather, the Light Eater attracts lightning at irregular intervals (configurable min-max), each strike further charging its power.
Facing Players
- Charged Attack: If sufficiently charged, the Light Eater releases a blinding explosion that stuns players looking in its direction (similar to a stun grenade).
- Energy Drain: If its charge is incomplete, it absorbs any energy sources carried by nearby players.
- Standard Chase: Without available energy to drain, it hunts players normally while continuing to absorb lights along the way.
Countering the Light Eater
Kill Mechanic
- Once the Light Eater exceeds 200 charges, it stops absorbing energy and actively seeks the nearest player.
- If it attempts to explode while overcharged, it becomes stunned for 5 seconds instead of detonating.
- During the stun, the Light Eater is vulnerable, with 10 HP.
- After the stun ends, it resets to 200 charges (the equivalent of two stun explosions).
- If killed, it plays a death animation and explodes 4 seconds later like a landmine.
Zap Gun Interaction
- While shocked, the Light Eater is slowed to half its speed while chasing and cannot absorb the Zap Gun
- Releasing the shock grants it a charge boost, 0.8 seconds of shock = +25 charges
Batdr Keeper Rig
"Batdr Keeper Rig" ( by NO DONT EAT ME CASEOH (Ferris wheel) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (
- DuskWise for the mod icon
- explodingturtles456 for some ideas