
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.







[1.2.2] - 16/04/2024


  • Wrapped RegisterModDataAttributes in a try-catch block

[1.2.1] - 09/04/2024


  • Fixed unsafe Attribute finding


  • If no saved value exists, use the current value when loading ModDataContainer fields/properties

[1.2.0] - 29/03/2024


  • ResetWhen enum and behaviour to handle it
  • Storing of original value of fields & properties tagged with ModDataAttribute, used for resetting


  • If a field or property that is tracked by the ModData system is not found in a save while loading, instead of keeping the current value, it will now be reset to the original value

[1.1.0] - 23/03/2024


  • Implemented OnRegister LoadWhen enum value and behaviour to handle it.

[1.0.1] - 23/03/2024


  • Fix NuGet publish not working

[1.0.0] - 23/03/2024


  • Events to replace the need for LethalEventsLib
    • OnSaveData
    • OnLoadData
    • OnDeleteData
    • OnMainMenu
  • ModDataConfiguration, as a more future-proof way of configuring the ModData system
  • Empty ModDataAttribute constructor that allows for property initialisation
  • Ability to trigger a manual "event"(-esque) save/load for data in your mod (essentially triggering what a save/load event would do, but without it actually triggering, and without impacting other mods' data)


  • Take into account whether or not the client is the lobby host when saving/loading CurrentSave data


  • Renamed GetIModDataKey to GetModDataKey
  • SaveWhen and LoadWhen are now flags
  • Some better / more verbose logging for exceptions


  • Dependency on LethalEventsLib

[0.0.3] - 01/03/2024


  • Enabled GenerateDocumentationFile
  • Documentation across the board for everything that was missing it



  • Switched to netstandard2.1
  • Renamed ModDataHandler.GetModDataKey to ModDataHandler.ToES3KeyString
  • Make ModDataHandler.ToES3KeyString an extension method


[0.0.2] - 15/02/2024


  • The API now supports properties across the board
  • ModDataAttributes can now be used on non-static fields/properties, provided the class using them is instantiated, and registered with the ModDataHandler via ModDataHandler.RegisterInstance(object instance, string keySuffix = "")
  • De-registration methods for ModData. Can be manually called via ModDataHandler.DeRegisterInstance(object instance)
  • Warning when a ModDataAttribute is used on a non-static field/property, but the class is not registered with the ModDataHandler, and a manual save/load is attempted using the IModDataKey


  • Fixed a bug where fields/properties in a ModDataContainer flagged with the ModDataIgnoreAttribute with no IgnoreFlags would not be ignored
  • Fixed private fields/properties not being accessible by the API


  • Split up ModDataHandler into ModDataHandler, ModDataAttributeCollector, and SaveLoadHandler
    • ModDataHandler
      • Now only handles the registration of ModDataAttributes, and event hooking & handling
    • ModDataAttributeCollector
      • Now handles the collection of (static field/property) ModDataAttributes, calling the ModDataHandler to register them
    • SaveLoadHandler
      • Now handles the actual saving and loading of data
  • The API now uses an IModDataKey interface for a single dictionary, rather than having separate field & property dictionaries. It also has a ModDataValue as the value type, rather than the ModDataAttribute. This allows me to store the relevant information in a unified way (e.g. instance can be null for static fields/properties, or an instance for non-static fields/properties)
  • Use current value for field or property instead of default type value when loading non-existing data (this should prevent issues with default values being replaced with the default type value)

[0.0.1] - 04/02/2024


  • Initial project setup
    • README
    • .gitignore
  • ModDataAttribute
  • ModDataContainer abstract class
  • ModDataHandler system
    • SaveData (3 signatures)
    • LoadData (3 signatures)
    • Finding & registration of ModData attributes
    • Hooked into LethalEventsLib's hooks for saving, autosaving, loading, and file deletion
    • Guid / assembly fetching for manual saving/loading
  • ModDataHelper
  • Enums
    • LoadWhen
    • SaveWhen
    • SaveLocation
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