When you are the host, any items(can add filtering) you/clients purchase in the terminal will be generated directly in the ship. 当你作为主机,任何你/客机在终端购买的物品(可过滤)都会直接生成在船内v 0.0.5
- Fixed a stupid bug which caused the terminal to be unavailable when opening a new file 修复了一个愚蠢的bug which导致开新档时会无法使用终端的问题
v 0.0.4
- Fix a major bug that causes the mod to be directly unusable 修复一个重大bug导致该模组直接无法使用
v 0.0.3
- Now you can shop while the ship is moving without causing items to disappear! 现在你可以在船移动的过程中购物而不会导致物品消失了
v 0.0.2
- Add item filtering to config, And generated items can now be correctly organized as if they were sub-objects of the ship! config中添加物品过滤的功能,并且生成的物品现在可以当作是船的子物体被正确整理
v 0.0.1
Main Functions Implemented