
Hi :)

  • Added fAutoStartGameDelay for configuring the delay before the lever is automatically pulled.
  • Addressed compatibility with LLL by skipping boot animation less invasively.
  • InitScene is now always loaded asynchronously regardless of having LLL.
  • Removed "LLL detected" log warning.
  • Removed redundent Metadata file.


  • Implemented new config option bAutoStartGame which will automatically pull the lever. You can find this in the Miscellaneous section.
  • Addressed occasional (but harmless) errors being logged by editing the menu elements too early.
  • Defaulted bAutoSelectMode to OFF so it's opt-in rather than opt-out.
  • Improved compatibility with LethalLevelLoader by loading the scene asynchronously if found.

    This is the shittiest "solution" and should be addressed further by LLL.


  • Fixed issue where bAutoSelectHost would cause a black screen to be shown, softlocking the menu.
  • Fixed issue where the MoreCompany cosmetics button could not be clicked when bFixMenuCanvas was false.
  • Implemented new bFixMoreCompany config option to ease any further bugs with MoreCompany.
    • Defaults to true. Disable this if you do not care about the look of your main menu.


  • Minor changes to Thunderstore metadata.


Deleting your config file is recommended!

  • Fixed wrong version showing by replacing sVersionTextFormat with bAlwaysShortVersion.
  • Improved consistency of button alignment by matching their sizeDelta with the host button.
  • All config options now use ConfigEntry to enable runtime editing with things like ConfigurationManager.
  • Version text is now updated in realtime when changing related config options.

    Essentially, you no longer need to restart. Use LethalConfig to instantly see your changes.

  • Added new fVersionTextOffset option to adjust the Y (up/down) position of the version text.
    • You should use this option when the text appears out of place due to a multi-line or aspect ratio issue.

  • Improved compatibility with AdvancedCompany by disabling the canvas fix regardless of bFixMenuCanvas.
    • This fixes the character being drawn as a black silhouette on the cosmetics page.


  • Fixed header/logo disappearing when navigating menus.
  • Fixed the LethalConfig button being below the Quit button.
  • Button alignment behaves better with other mod buttons, as well as when bRemoveCreditsButton is true.
  • Some silly mod devs patch PlayFirstDayShipAnimation to implement their code, IT will no longer exit this early.
    • The speaker SFX is now stopped at the end of the firstDayAnimation enumerator instead.
  • Removed some dead/commented code and unused ref being set.


  • Support v47 by fixing the settings issue. See this issue.
  • Improved compatibility with future MoreCompany versions by detecting it's loaded rather than finding it's canvas.
  • Removed CUSTOM_VERSION_TEXT_X and CUSTOM_VERSION_TEXT_Y. It was annoying to use and cluttered the config.
  • Button alignment should now play nicely with other mods that don't have explicit support.
  • Fixed splash screens not being skipped when mod loading takes >10s.
  • Fixed all the null reference errors. (yay)


New Features

  • Skipped Unity and Zeekerss splash screens! (Configurable)
  • Removed the main menu 'Credits' button. (Configurable)

Mod Compatibility

  • Moved the MoreCompany header image upwards to avoid button overlapping.
  • Moved MoreCompany activate & exit buttons both to the same position (bottom right) for intuitiveness.
  • Improved compatibility with both LE and MC (the 3 config options from v1.3.1 are now all true).


  • Buttons now get aligned without requiring bFixMenuCanvas to be true - including MC's "Mod Settings" button.
  • Fixed issue where version text would stay hidden after exiting from a panel back to the menu.
  • Removed unneeded reference to InputSystem.


  • Config now has categories.
  • Added 3 new config options to help alleviate mod incompatibilities.
    • bAlignMenuButtons - Defaults to false.
    • bFixMenuCanvas - Defaults to false.
    • bFixMenuPanels - Defaults to true.


Main Changes

  • Centered all menu panels so the whitespace at the edges are equal. (OCD havers rejoice)
  • Menu buttons are now aligned with each other and will overflow instead of wrap.
  • All menu panels (host, server list, loading screen) now have the same scale, offsets and anchor.

    Essentially, this puts the "corners" in the same place across panels.

  • Menu canvas now has the correct settings that a menu should have.
    • Pixel Perfect: true
    • Render Mode: Screen Space Overlay

    This means changing brightness no longer affects menu elements.

  • Added new config option iGameStartupDisplay to control which monitor the game is displayed on when starting (after the splash screen).

    Any negative value will disable this setting. Defaults to 0 - the main display.


  • Fixed issue where setting sAutoSelectMode to OFF would cause the brightness and mic screens to show even after the first game boot.
  • Fixed a null reference exception when trying to clone the version text.


  • Removing UI elements now sets them to inactive. Destroying them is bad practice.
  • Added try-catch blocks in multiple places to make future debugging easier.


  • The ship speaker 'first day' SFX can now be disabled via bDisableFirstDaySFX.
  • Added config option sVersionTextFormat to display either the full game version or a shortened one.
  • Added config option fVersionTextSize to control the font size of the version text.
  • Fixed custom version text not showing - it was accidentally off by default (oops).


  • Added config option to toggle the version text. Credit - RectangularObject.
  • BepInExPack now specified as a dependency.
  • New VCR-style icon.



  • Launch skipping is now more seamless - the greenish "transition" panel has been disabled.
  • Stopped panels overlapping when pressing the 'Host' button. (how other buttons work already)
  • Added ability to remove the 'News' panel. Defaults to Off.
  • Added ability to remove the 'Launched in LAN mode' text. Defaults to On.
  • Added config option for removing the LAN warning. Defaults to On.
  • Config option bAutoSelectHost is now Off by default.

Version Text

  • Fixed version text being wrapped.
  • Added config options (X, Y) to move the position of the version text.
  • Setting the anchor position of version text is now done once instead of every frame.
  • Version text now ONLY shows on the main menu. Not settings, credits etc.


  • Menu 'OS boot' animation is now skipped. You can revert this via the config.
  • Replaced menu version text - able to be customized.
  • Fixed LAN warning not being removed when AutoSelectHost was false.
  • Changed mod name from 'LC-IntroTweaks' to 'IntroTweaks' in PluginMetadata.


  • Skips straight into the selected mode. (Online/LAN)
  • Can automatically press the 'Host' button once in the menu.
  • Removes the LAN warning - no need to hit 'Confirm' every time.
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