My addon for Resonance! Includes new immersive sounds for me and my friends.2.0.1
Added BepInEx folder, I forgot about it, sorry about that.
Fixed incorrect sound_pack config.
Fixed incorrect scripts yay!
Changed explosion sounds for Old Bird and Landmine.
Some sounds have been removed that don't fit or don't work properly maybe some of them will return in the next patches.
Added new music for DropShip, Loadstone(default value is false).
Updated dependencies to the latest versions.
Corrected ReadMe and ChangeLog.
And more small fixes.
(3 patches in an hour is perfect)
Fixed old bird sound Thanks Moroxide
Reduced volume of all Lightning Strike
Fixed ChangeLog 1.3.9
Fixed weather sounds
Corrected ReadMe
Porting the mod to loaforcsSoundAPI, thanks Moroxide for helping with this!
Significantly reduced pack weight 209 mb - 31 mb
Added weather sounds
The sound of the mine was slightly changed
Added config for mod settings
Added sound for the opening scene with space
Resolved most of the LR compatibility
The ambient was slightly changed
Corrected ChangeLog and ReadMe
I was in a hurry to update this mod because of working on my moon that I even mixed up the location of the folders inside LOL
Fixed the location of the config folder (Thanks to KoliFix for informing me about this)
Added my discord tag in ReadMe
Some ambient sounds have been changed( BigFactoryInside, EclipseAmbience, Company Building)
Added new sounds when entering via the main door
Also, minor sounds were added for starting the main menu systems, and activating a mine when standing on it.
All sounds of throwing objects have been removed
Added new sounds for QuietDrum 1-2
And a lot of small changes
Added ChangeLog
Corrected Readme
Added LethalResonance dependency
The volume of some sounds and their duration have been fixed (this is not significant)
Removed the inscription 1.0.0 from the mod icon
Added config automatically disables changes in Lethal Resonance [ Omega4768 was faster than me) ]