(LLL) Remake of Peach's Castle with custom interior & custom scrap. L is realRemake of Peaches_Castle for LethalLevelLoader!
The original Castle Grounds runs on LethalExpansion, which has been deprecated and no longer works alongside LethalLevelLoader.
Vanish Cap Under the Moat
Castle Courtyard
Custom interior
Custom drop ship music
Custom scrap
Custom animations
TeamBridget for the original idea
AudioKnight for the incredible tutorial on making custom moons
IAmBatby for making all this possible
The Models Resource & The Textures Resource for the materials used (Thanks to user Booscaster for ripping the textures)
The Lethal Company Modding Discord for feedback and contributions
random_axolotl: Boombox idea
Vanderx: Light fixture above the fire exits and general interior advice
ZigZag Awaka: General advice for the moon, scrap, and interior
Lodac77: Bug testing
LethalMatt: Bug testing
Chill Guy: Apparatus idea
Everyone else in the SM64 Moons thread for their support