ScienceBird Tweaks

Just some small changes my friends and I wanted that I couldn't find elsewhere (though some have since popped up as separate mods by others, I'm grouping the ones I want here for convenience and simplicity).

Note that this mod is still in early experimental phases and is intended mainly for my own usage. I do plan on supporting it and addressing any reported issues, but I can only account for so many different modpacks

Features are listed below.


Consistent Railing Collision

If you've ever desperately clambered onto the edge of the ship's railing only to slide right off since you didn't catch the right part of the collision, this change is for you!


This just slightly extends the floor collision of the ship catwalk so you can consistently land on it from the other side of the railing, allowing you to then gracefully vault over it at your leisure.

Fixed Teleport Button

Do you relate to being unable to press the teleport button while launching or landing the ship? Does it seem like its hitbox drifts away from where the button looks like it is? Well you are not alone in this struggle. Since I couldn't find an existing fix for this (though there may well be one), here it is.

All this tweak does is ensure the teleporter (and inverse teleporter) button gets parented to the main ship object, and thus all of its colliders will stay in sync with the ship.

Dust (Space) Clouds

Adds a space to the "DustClouds" weather condition when it's displayed on the main level screen or terminal monitor, making it "Dust Clouds" (this will only affect modded content since this weather is never displayed in vanilla).

Big Screw

Changes the name of the "big bolt" to reflect what it actually is (a big screw).

Falling Rotation Fix

Normally, if you drop an object from high up, it will rotate much slower than the rate it falls. This means the object will hit the ground while its rotation is still being updated (and the game will still consider it in a "falling" state). I don't know if this has any consequences other than the visual effect of objects strangely spinning on the ground when you drop them from high up, but this tweak scales this rotation so it will finish while the object is still in the air and its falling state will end normally.

Old Halloween Elevator Music


Reverts the behaviour of the mineshaft elevator to its behaviour from the 2024 Halloween patch (v65 to v68), playing a random clip of groovy music by ZedFox. The track is synced, so players using the same mod will hear the same elevator music track.

ButteryStancakes has a more extensively customizeable version of this feature, and if that mod is detected this tweak automatically disables to let it take priority.


These tweaks do not require the relevant mods as dependencies, and if they are enabled without those mods, nothing will happen.

True Blackout - Mrov Weathers (EXPERIMENTAL)

Along with disabling all the lights like the Blackout weather condition usually does, this will also darken the emissivity of associated light textures. What this means in practice is lights will not look pure white or with a texture reflecting an "on" state. Instead, they will look dark/dim as if they have been turned off.


This technically makes the Blackout condition slightly harder to navigate, but this tweak really only exists to make moons more visually appealing when this weather is active.

Although I've tested it and it should be stable this is still marked as "experimental" for now:

  • It's a pretty major operation to set all the light textures on a moon dynamically. This means it will cause a slight moment of lag when the blackout weather is first set (though performance should be unaffected afterwards), and depending on the way a modded moon has set up its lights, might have some unexpected visual results (though I have contingencies in place, such as not changing baked lights unaffected by Blackout).

Diversity Computer Begone - Diversity

Removes the floppy reader computer and floppy disk spawns from Diversity if you don't want those features of the mod (this shouldn't cause any compatibility issues even if you don't have Diversity installed).

This is also compatible (though redundant) with v0xx's more thorough patch DiversityNoFloppy.


Snare Flea Forgiveness Options

Provides some alternatives to the vanilla behaviour of the snare flea/centipede:

  • Second chance: provides players with a second chance, as the snare flea will leave them alone one time after bringing them to low health (default/vanilla is 15 HP). This is equivalent to the singleplayer mechanic, just implemented in multiplayer (any config changes to this mechanic will also affect the singleplayer mechanic as well).

  • Fixed damage: The snare flea will do a fixed portion (default 50%) of a player's maximum health before dropping off them (when set at 50%, players will always be killed on their second encounter if their health is above half, and killed on their first encounter if it's below half).

These come with config options like the "low health" threshold for second chance and the health % for fixed damage.

(Snare flea behaviour is left untouched in "vanilla" mode by default)


Let me know about any suggestions or issues on the GitHub, or if you'd prefer you can mention it in my Discord thread (I'm "sciencebird" on Discord).

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