
  • Test Release



  • Full Release
  • Changes and Fixes:
    • Added first version of GoldStore to terminal
    • Massive balance overhaul to spawn rate of gold scrap
      • Should be more common on later moons, less on earlier moons
    • Fixed lighting bug that made gold scrap appear pitch-black
    • Prevented bug that terminal would not scan for scrap
      • Apparently already an issue in the vanilla game? Works more reliably now
    • Implemented UnityNetcodePatcher to use on Netcoded GameObjects
    • Made various minor adjustments to fix bugs and improve performance


  • Made changes to Gold Nugget:
    • Lightning can now strike newly bought Gold Nuggets
    • Fixed bug that Gold Nugget would not be in terminal when entering lobby for second time
    • Gold Nuggets no longer count towards collected scrap and employee rank
    • Educated our Gold Nugget appraisers so they work slightly faster
  • Added answer to terminal's LCGoldScrapMod Help Page explaining compatibility with beta releases


  • Added Bronze Suit and Silver Suit to the GoldStore
  • Gold Nugget value has been rebalanced
  • Made small changes in preparation for big optimization update in v1.3.0


  • Added option to Config file: Custom Terminal Scan
    • Lets you choose between this mod's custom terminal scan (which works decently), or the vanilla LC scan (which might sometimes break)
  • Fixed various minor bugs


  • Updated mod to changes made in v50
  • Slightly increased spawn rate of gold scrap
  • Massive overhaul to code:
    • Removed dependency on custom LCGoldScrapMod SaveData
      • Figured out how to look for the models upon joining the lobby, meaning it will always load the assets straight from the vanilla game
      • Note: The Config option [Load and Save] is therefore also deprecated. If you go to Thunderstore's Edit Config > LCGoldScrapMod.cfg and still see [Load and Save] without any description, I suggest deleting LCGoldScrapMod.cfg, that will fix it
      • Might also save performance, as it does not need to reserve extra memory for this data
      • Updated terminal's LCGoldScrapMod Help Page to reflect this
    • Made references to terminal's data more flexible
      • Should hopefully make it more future-proof and prevent bugs, should things change in the original terminal


  • Gold scrap can now appear on all moons
    • Including new content added in v50
    • And the spawn rate of gold scrap on Offense and March is finally fixed. It appears LethalLib didn't register half the items on half the moons, meaning some items weren't in the list of scrap at all
  • Removed dependency on LethalLib and HookGenPatcher as it caused the above issue, mod works fully independently now
  • Fixed various minor bugs


  • Following its inspiration, I had a bit too much fun messing around with the bell...
    • But it is now actually a useful tool for communication!
    • However, because I now count it as a tool, rather than 'normal' scrap, I have lowered its spawn rate on free moons


  • Patch aimed at balancing and bugfixing where possible
    • Tweaked spawn chance of gold scrap:
      • Spawn chance on Experimentation has been brought down
      • Spawn chance on mid- to late-game moons is more evenly spread
    • Tweaked weight of some gold scrap:
      • Gold scrap that originated from scrap without any weight or very little weight is now about 10 lb heavier, to offer more challenge for the reward they give
      • The weight of some two-handed gold scrap has also been brought up, unless it was already significantly heavy
    • Tweaked GoldStore unlockables:
      • Fixed placement interactible of Golden Throne
      • Added silly version of Gold Nugget


  • Tweaked Jacob's Ladder
    • It should now finally display correctly, regardless of who is holding it or if it is pocketed
    • Bulb now turns light and dark depending on its power
    • Slightly decreased weight and increased range
  • Tweaked Config option [Replace Sound Effects]
    • Added sounds for Gold Sign
    • Added jump audio to Bronze Suit, Silver Suit, and Gold Suit


  • Moved some code so gold scrap syncing happens on all players, not just the lobby host


  • Tweaked Jacob's Ladder
    • Battery life has been increased by 20 seconds
    • Mimimum value has been slightly increased
    • It can now cast shadows, and thus should no longer shine through walls
      • Unless you really push up against a wall, but since this is also an issue with flashlights in the vanilla game, I am choosing to let this slide
  • Tweaked Bronze Suit, Silver Suit, and Gold Suit so they are extra visible to the person wearing them
  • Made final minuscule tweaks to spawn chance of gold scrap


  • Further decreased spawn chance of gold scrap on earlier moons, and further increased spawn chance on later moons
  • Fixed compatibility issues that would occur in combination with specific BepInEx configurations
    • One of the BepInEx options, if left on its default value, would clash with a method I was using to make certain actions happen on a delay.
      To circumvent the issue, I no longer use that method, but just change the moment my own actions are called.
    • Sorry for this problem, I was completely unaware that this was even happening behind the scenes. Since I have reorganized the order of code that caused the problem, it might mean you could see very small discrepancies with v1.4.5, but everything else should function the same after going to any level for the first time.
    • And I am counting this as a minor update, rather than a patch, as this should hopefully resolve problems large amounts of people might have been facing, given that BepInEx is a dependency for this mod. Again, my apologies.


  • Implemented adjustable settings and compatibility with custom moons
    • Added 8 Config options across 2 categories
      • All the options listed below use the lobby host's selected values
      • Adjustments:
        • [Selected Moons]
          • Will determine which vanilla Lethal Company moons gold scrap can spawn on, simply by typing their names, All, or None.
          • By default set to All
        • [Minimum Value Multiplier]
          • Will determine the lowest random value of gold scrap, by multiplying the original item's minimum value by this amount.
          • By default set to 2.5
        • [Maximum Value Multiplier]
          • Will determine the highest random value of gold scrap, by multiplying the original item's maximum value by this amount.
          • By default set to 2
        • [Rarity Multiplier]
          • Will determine the spawn chance of gold scrap on vanilla Lethal Company moons.
          • By default set to 3
        • [Weight Multiplier]
          • Will determine how heavy gold scrap is by multiplying the original item's weight, or custom-made weights, by this amount.
          • By default set to 1.5
      • Modded Moons:
        • [Modded Spawn Enabled]
          • If true, gold scrap can spawn on moons added through mods.
          • By default set to true
        • [Modded Spawn Rarity]
          • Will determine the spawn chance of all gold scrap on modded moons.
          • By default set to 1
        • [Modded Minimum Cost]
          • Will determine the minimum value that a modded moon needs to cost to travel to for gold scrap to be able to spawn there.
            • For example, setting this to 500 will spawn gold scrap on modded moons that cost 500, 700, 1000 etcetera, but not on moons that cost 499, 250, 100, or are free.
          • By default set to 0
  • Completely reworked layout of Edit config's LCGoldScrapMod.cfg
    • This will undoubtedly look weird in the mod manager, so I recommend deleting LCGoldScrapMod.cfg under Edit config and opening the game again with the mod active. This will fix it and use all the new Config options.
  • Other bugfixes and changes:
    • Added backwards compatability with pre-v50 versions of Lethal Company
    • Slightly tweaked the default values of gold scrap now that they can be changed through the config options above
    • Gold scrap can no longer be grabbed before the game has started, as the weight-syncing would otherwise introduce bugs
    • Updated the terminal's LCGoldScrapMod Help Page with this update's new information
    • The terminal won't scan for gold scrap if the current moon cannot spawn gold scrap, based on the config options above
    • Added Customization paragraph to readme, introducing config options listed above
    • Fixed tiny discrepancy with GoldStore suits that could happen at the very start of the game, introduced by the previous update
    • Gold scrap gets registered slightly earlier, to hopefully fix a bug of them not being found, without breaking existing references
    • Got rid of some redundant code and cleaned up loose ends to prepare for compatibility with future mods of mine


  • Fixed bug of that Gold Nugget did not have corresponding sales value, which would halt gameplay if the game tried to put it on sale


  • Fixed bugs that would pop up in larger modpacks:
    • Checks for item assets are now more flexible, so gold scrap should more consistently use the original item's models
    • Fixed Gold Nugget item sales values conflicting with other mod's item sales values, by moving the moment they're registered into the store
  • Set default value of config [Other Scan Command] to false
    • Again, I recommend deleting this file if it looks weird, so it will fix itself the next time you play


  • Fixed bug of GoldStore unlockables not being loaded upon joining the lobby


  • Added Config option [Other Tools Balance] to Other category
    • By default set to false
    • Turning this option to true will make 10 gold scrap with special uses for gameplay or sound not get struck by lightning anymore, but each item will get an item-specific penalty
      • Golden Airhorn: can't be spammed anymore
      • Gold Register: can't be ka-ching'd anymore
      • Golden Horn: can't be heard from far away anymore
      • Purified Mask: can't be put on anymore
      • Golden Bell: the range enemies can hear this item from is doubled
      • Golden Glass: can't be looked through anymore
      • Gold Sign: the item's weight doesn't follow the Stop Sign's weight anymore, but the Yield Sign's
      • Comedy Gold: everyone's favorite sound effect has been taken out of rotation
      • Jacob's Ladder: battery life has been reduced by 25%
      • G.O.L.D.: is now significantly louder
    • Conductivity appears to depend on the host's settings, but the penalties listed above are client-side
    • To be clear, my recommendation is to NOT change this option away from false. The option is there to fit modpacks where tools do not attract lightning, but I think it undermines the challenge that gold scrap was made for, which is why I introduced penalties as alternative "challenges"
  • Fixed bug that Golden Airhorn and Golden Horn could be heard from anywhere in the world
  • Increased default battery life of Jacob's Ladder by 10 seconds


  • Minor tweaks:
    • Spawn chance of gold scrap on Adamance is higher, given the planet's difficulty for retrieving heavy items
    • Gold scrap can again be picked up immediately when loading into a lobby, unless its base-game counterpart can't either
    • The Golden Bell's vanilla drop sound now simulates the Brass Bell's randomized pitch
    • Increased the range of the Jacob's Ladder light, and reduced its brightness
    • Very slightly decreased average value of Gold Nuggets
    • Fixed bug that Gold Nuggets would drastically increase your weight upon being dropped
    • Updated assembly reference to v56


  • Updated mod to work with v61
    • This should fix some game-breaking bugs preventing people from loading into a lobby
    • On top of that, there is still backwards compatibility to play with pre-v60 versions of the game
  • Made minor tweak to Jacob's Ladder data's name that appeared to cause issues in conjunction with another mod


  • Implemented more checks to hopefully prevent errors if specific data can't be found

Expansion Update


Update aimed at expanding the amount of gold versions of scrap and adding more buyable items to the Gold Store to incentivize collecting gold scrap, as well as having these scrap- and store-items introduce some all-new functionality while optimizing the code from v1.

Additions, changes, and fixes:

  • Added 20 new Gold Scrap, bringing the total up to 50
    • These items generally are based on items from and more frequently appear on paid moons, to make traveling there more rewarding
  • Added 15 new Gold Store items and unlockables, bringing the total up to 20
    • The Terminal's Gold Store page will list all upgrades and cosmetics, and regular buyable items will show up in the normal Store as well
    • Since there are so many new unlockables, I strongly recommend starting with a clean save file, as unlockables from previous runs could have been saved with the same ID's as the newly added gold unlockables, meaning you could have lost stuff you unlocked in previous runs
  • Added functionality to some items from v1.0.0
    • 5 old items now have an extra twist to make them more challenging or more rewarding
  • Added two cool new non-item related extras
    • Added 4 more [TOP SECRET]
    • And even a new [REDACTED]
  • Configs:
    • Added Config option [Other New Sounds]
      • When true, the Golden Glove will use new items recorded and edited by me, otherwise they will reuse regular Lethal Company sounds
        • I made these to try to learn audio design, and am content with them, but they're not perfect so feel free to turn them off
      • By default set to true
    • Added Config option [Other Enemy Sounds]
      • When true, this option will change the sounds the gold scrap-versions of enemies make, similar to but independently from how [Other Sound Effects] works for normal gold scrap-items
      • By default set to false
    • [Multiplier Rarity] and [Modded Spawn Rarity] are now uncapped
      • This means [Multiplier Rarity] should be a lot stronger
      • And it means [Modded Spawn Rarity] can now go above 100
    • [Other Scan Command] will, when true, now calculate the approximate value of the items differently
    • [Other Tools Balance] now only has effect on gold items with actual gameplay purposes, meaning "cosmetic" items will be unaffected again
      • To see a list of all gameplay changes, including which items are removed and added from the rebalance, I will create a wiki page listing every item's effect in broad detail
      • And all changes from this config setting are now properly synced to all players, instead of some items only being affected locally
    • [Other Silly Scrap] will, when true, now still load vanilla Lethal Company assets, because some store items use assets I could not make silly versions for yet
  • Reworked the Gold Nuggets:
    • The biggest change is that, on selling day, they can't be used for gambling anymore, and will instead act like credits-converters
      • As credits-converters, they'll be worth about 50% of their buying price
    • Their value is now determined differently under-the-hood, and should be more varied throughout the quota
    • And their terminal Info page now has an actual explanation to introduce what influences their selling value
  • Implemented an anti-cheat mechanic:
    • Dropping gold scrap too quickly in short succession will temporarily disable the item from being picked up
      • The heavier the item, the longer the cooldown
    • This cooldown will not occure inside the ship, to not get in the way of organizing items
    • And this measure is primarily intended to majorly discourage cheesing, and to challenge people when bringing back gold scrap to the ship
  • Patched in checks onto the Terminal:
    • These will help you search for this mod's items, without running into the "[DATA CORRUPTED]" text from the base game's "golden" log
    • It also means all Gold Store item names now look nice and can be typed like normal names, instead of the weird mumbo jumbo word-mashes that they were before
    • I am, however, not 100% certain this solution is foolproof, and expect to make further changes
  • Massive overhaul to backbone of project:
    • Moved entire project to an independent Unity-native project
    • Removed arbitrary asset-checks so it now only checks for assets once, which hopefully comes down to better performance
    • Introduced a lot more new NetworkBehaviours to create custom manager objects, which will likely cause errors if people with v1 versions try to join lobbies with v2 installed
    • Implemented SaveData for use on various features
      • I just realized this means SaveData is back from v0.9.0 after I got rid of it, huh...
    • Worked on a system to allow myself to adjust the spawn chance of gold scrap a bit more, so they can now be more varied and rebalanced
    • Weight of gold scrap is now calculated and synced in a much more professional way
    • Rewrote tons of methods and fields
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Implemented compatibility with STSharedAudioLib and LCSimonTendoPlaylistsMod
    • Implemented compatibility with LethalConfig to make it clear that the game needs to be restarted for changed configs to take effect
      • A future update will focus on making LethalConfig changes take effect without needing to restart the game
    • Reworked and shrunk the hitboxes of most large v1 items, so they hopefully don't get in the way as often anymore
    • Tweaked values of some v1 items, making them slightly more or less valuable or rare
    • Very slightly reduced the metallic shine of the gold texture so gold scrap is not completely pitch-black anymore in unlit environments
    • Fixed bug that the Jacob's Ladder didn't use their correct light when pocketed or held by other players
    • Updated the "info" pages of Gold Store items to not overlap with the "Quit Terminal" text anymore
    • Fixed minor mistakes of tooltips listing the wrong mouse button
    • Gold scrap now correctly faces forward when dropped
    • I found the Shade Smooth button
    • And, as Zeekerss would say, probably more that I forgot about


  • Fixed an error that could occur if the Disco Ball's music could not be found


  • Made the previous patch's fix slightly more flexible, just in case
  • Updated the ReadMe to list the store items in a separate paragraph, and mention the item's info pages
  • Changes to the Gold Crown:
    • Doubled its default starting value
    • Its value increase upon the first two days of being worn is now higher, but will drop off faster
    • It will now have an icon on the ship's radar after launching, which will turn off when being worn
    • Added an info message when trying to buy the Gold Crown, and any way at all to remove it, in singleplayer (I might think of a better solution if I ever have the time for it, but will not make promises as I think the sole purpose of the crown is multiplayer interplay)
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the Gold Trophy being selectable as moveable, but not being able to be moved at all
    • Fixed the Gold Ore and Cat o' Gold sometimes lag-spiking or freezing the game under specific conditions
    • Fixed the Golden Hourglass not properly removing itself from your inventory if activating while pocketed
    • Fixed the Gold Crown's day-streak notes not syncing between clients


  • Fixed an error that could occur in conjunction with mods that automatically create config entries for unlockables


  • The Safe Box can now be put in storage and will list how many items over capacity it is when it is too full
  • Scan nodes no longer wrongly appear if revealed by other mods


  • Fixed Goldkeepers not blocking enemies' paths


  • Tweaks to the Credits Card and SaveData
    • Decreased the chance for the Credits Card to go on sale, but increased the minimum sales percentage
    • Fixed some issues that Credits Card values would bleed into other save files or runs unintentionally
    • Fixed the SaveData not saving overtime bonuses before having been fired once in the current save file
    • Fixed an issue of the game freezing when trying to save while playing with many save files
    • Moved the SaveData from the mod folder to a different folder to hopefully not delete itself upon every update


  • Minor tweak to the Golden Pickaxe's data that could cause an error in case it was improperly spawned
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