Adds the ability to throw (almost) any item. Throw items to deal damage, distract enemies, trigger landmines, and more with this new mechanic!ThrowEverything
Adds a new ability to throw (almost) any item in Lethal Company. Throw items to deal damage, distract enemies, trigger landmines, and more with this new mechanic!
Known issues
- Not all items can be thrown, mainly items that can already be thrown without the mod.
- Dead bodies do not travel as if they were thrown when thrown.
- Throwing an item off of the ship does not count it as being off of the ship (and vice versa).
- Throwing items onto the counter at The Company does not count it as being on the counter for The Company to collect.
- There is no configuration for the mod currently, I'm hoping to add some in the very next update.
- The mod is in BETA! Testing has not been extensive and there may be issues.
You can find me (@Spantle) in the Lethal Company Modding Discord server or the Unofficial Lethal Company Discord server.
The mod has a thread in their #mod-releases channels.