A custom moon for Lethal Company, Pechorsk Castle is a moon orbiting a supermassive blackhole.Pechorsk Castle Moon Mod Changelog
- I had an error with unity that caused assetbundles not to work. Assetbundles are the files that basically have everything about the moon, the scrap spawns enemy spawns and exterior. So the previous update might have done nothing. But its fixed now.
- Fixed weather being inside the building.
- Some more scrap spawn changes.
- Facility is more rare.
- It costs 1300 to land here.
- Added light poles that lead to the main entrance.
- Changed a small amount of terrain.
- Changed outside power level to 12.
- Changed inside power level to 16.
- Changed some of the terrain to make it easier to get into the ship.
- Made the area where the item ship lands flatter and moved the rock. This makes it easier for the company cruiser.
- Added a bit of terrain next to the magnet of the ship. This makes it easier for the Company Cruiser.
- Fixed the music sometimes not playing.
- Changed the facility size multiplier to 2.5
- It now costs 1250 to land on Pechorsk.
- Changed the loot tables allot.
- Changed inside power count from 15 to 14.
- Changed outside power count to 15.
- Manticoils and roaming locusts can now spawn.
- Masked enemies can now spawn inside.
- Facility is more rare.
- Updated readme.
- (hopefully) fixed flashing light bug on mansion. I usually put a big trigger where the interior spawns. That trigger changes the lighting and also makes stuff like music silent. The mansion has its own lightning trigger and these 2 triggers collided which caused the lighting glitch. If its still not fixed then I dont really know.
- Made the custom ambient noises play more.
- Fixed the wind sounds playing inside the building.
- There is a higher chance for a mansion to spawn.
- Readded the music, it now doesnt play when you enter the building.
- Less dangerous.
- Changed a bit of terrain at the main entrance.
- Fixed a bug where exiting through the main entrance would face you towards the door.
- Added a few custom ambient noises that have a chance to play.
- Removed the music, i did this because i thought that the music removed a bit of the horror aspect. And even though it makes the outside of the moon really cool, when inside the building the music continues. Which i cant really figure out how to fix.
- Facility size multiplier changed from 1.7 to 1.4
- Day Speed Multiplier changed to 1, originally it was 0.7. What the day speed multiplier does is that it makes the day last longer or shorter. It was originally at 0.7 because it took a while to get to the main entrance, but making the day longer seemed to cause a bug that skips 2 days when you leave the moon instead of 1. Which can be really bad if your on the last day, because instead of saying 0 days left it will glitch out and say "Deadline Now". So hopefully i was able to fix this bug.
- Complete revamp of the entire exterior, 5 new bridges that slowly break. Map is a bit smaller and the terrain is different. Outside spawn rates increased. Icon changed. One fire exit removed. Music volume lowered. More scrap value/spawns.
- Release.