Changes :

-v 0.9.4 LethalLevelLoader 1.4.6

-v 0.9.3 V69 compatibility, NavMesh updated, sky and fog redesign, JLL

-v 0.9.2 AudioReverbTrigger fixed

-v 0.9.1 Is the desynchronisation problem fixed?(restart),

-v 0.9.0 Fixed LevelTag for compatibility with Celestial Tint(sfDesat) mod

-v 0.8.0 main entrance detection range increased, colliders fixed, Balance changes

-v 0.7.2 Trigger system revamped

-v 0.7.1 Optimization, Compatibility with the Hypick-BetterShotgun mod added (thanks for Starlancer's help)

-v 0.7.0 NavMesh Updated, WaterTriger fixed, weather rebalance

-v 0.6.9 Desynchronization issue fixed

-v 0.6.2 entrances have been fixed

-v 0.6.1 minor optimization, sun bug fixed

-v 0.6.0 rebalance, LethalLevelLoader 1.1.6 >>> 1.2.0

-v 0.5.3 DungeonFlow changed - 300/20

-v 0.5.2 Ambience volume lowered

-v 0.5.1 HotFix patch

-v 0.5.0 Moon redesign, another fire exit added, enemies added outside, dungeon generation increased from 1 to 1.3, lighting fixed, LethalLib updated, Dungeon flow types changed, ReadMe updated.

-v 0.4.9 Sun animation fixed, Added LevelTag for compatibility with the Celestial Tint(sfDesat) mod

-v 0.4.8 Balance changes made

-v 0.4.7 optimized moon, Fixed map on the terminal, fixed light

-v 0.4.6 DropShip now lands properly

-v 0.4.5 Update README

-v 0.4.3 Fixed duplication bug in lethallevelloader, improved AINavMesh, optimized moon, adjusted time of day, Fixed interior desynchronization bug.

-v 0.3.8 Moon description corrected in terminal

-v 0.3.7 Water added, new skybox introduced, item and mob balance updated, wind sound changed.

-v 0.3.5 Fixed AudioReverb bug, improved compatibility, added LethalLib

-v 0.3.4 Fixed config bug in LethalLevelloader

-v 0.3.3 Added and fixed sounds, Entrances were fixed

-v 0.3.0 Transfer to LethalLevelLoader, Fixed DropShip bug.

-v 0.2.4 Fixed "dropship" bug(again)

-v 0.2.3 Footstep sounds for various surfaces have been added, improved AINavMesh, update LethalExpansion(1.3.41)

-v 0.2.2 Fixed "dropship" bug

-v 0.2.1 Fixed bug causing getting stuck, resolved texture disappearing bug, fixed purple moon issue, updated LethalExpansion mod to version 1.3.37.

-v 0.2.0 Fixed perpetual day issue, flooding weather removed for rework, updated HDR and fog, Fixed "dropship" bug, added fire escape ladder, Screenshots added.

-v 0.1.8 Updated filter.

-v 0.1.7 Changed fog to a lighter shade (subject to further adjustments), fixed floor rendering bugs, added various interior objects.

-v 0.1.4 Fixed landing bug, now compatible with lethallevelloader.

-v 0.1.0 Moon release.

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