Lethal Constellations Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.


  • Hotfix for NRE that occured when ConstellationSpecificInfoNodes is disabled


  • Added ExitPage config item in Menu Settings section to determine what page opens when leaving the constellations menu.
    • should work with any valid keyword and will load the help page if that fails.
  • Updated LLL Version requirement to 1.4.8
    • This was needed to fix some issues with constellation initialization on second lobby loads.
  • Updated OpenLib requirement to latest version.
  • Fixed various lobby reload issues
  • Updated ConstellationSpecificInfoNodes description to mention that a valid shortcut is needed for this feature to work.
    • Currently my method for adding info commands requires a valid keyword to add it for, maybe I'll change that in the future but for now this means shortcuts are required.
  • Attempted to optimize a good portion of this codebase to use linq over foreach loops whenever possible



  • Removed Faux Keyword support and regular terminal keyword creation by default in favor of new interactive terminal menu.
    • Menu controls are configurable in the new Menu Settings config section (main config).
    • You can also choose to display any number of constellations per page depending on the level of detail your menu text has. (From 1 - 100)
    • If you would still like to have regular terminal keyword support for routing to specific constellations, you can use each constellation's shortcuts config item to add keywords for routing to it's constellation.
    • This should resolve many of the conflicting keyword issues that limited your ability to name your constellations what you wanted.
  • With the new interactive menu, constellation names can be any length and contain any characters with exception to \, \n, \, ", [, and ] due to Bepinex Config limitations.
  • Added new positional data related configuration items, including:
    • AddConstellationPositionData in the main config will enable configuration items that assign coordinates to each constellation.
      • When the above is enabled, PostionalPricingMode config items will be created for each constellation in the generated config.
        • Determines how pricing for the constellation will be affected by it's coordinates.
        • UseOriginalPrice will use constellationPrice configuration item as starting route cost and the CostPerDistanceUnit value will not be used.
        • SetPriceByDistance (default) will ignore constellationPrice and set constellation's price to a new price value based on it's starting position (relative to the starter constellation).
        • None will not update pricing in any way based on positional data.
    • CostPerDistanceUnit
      • When PostionalPricingMode is set to SetPriceByDistance, this value will be used to determine how many credits each unit of distance is worth.
      • Example: A distance of 50 will update the route cost for the constellation to 100 when CostPerDistanceUnit is set to 2.
    • Thank you @unluckyjori for the PR on github and assistance in getting this feature started. Even though I ended up rewriting most of your work I do appreciate you getting the ball rolling on this so I could finally get this feature implemented in some fashion. Big shoutout to them.
    • Please also note that the distance feature is still very much in testing. If you find any issues please report them on the github and/or the discord thread.
  • In general, the mod has been lightly reworked so some old issues may have been resolved and on the flip side some old resolved issues may reappear.
    • If you experience any issues with 0.3.0 please revert back to 0.2.8 as a known good version. This mod will not receive any hotfixes until after the new year.


  • Luigi's Mansion hotfix (fixes crashes related to trying to run this mod with this moon)
    • Will now parse extendedLevel.NumberlessPlanetName from LLL to ensure it's compatibile with Bepinex config naming requirements.
    • Tried to ensure existing config items remain unchanged by my fix for this. Please make sure to backup configs before generating a new config with this update.


  • Added AcceptableStartingConstellations config item to set a specific set of constellations as potential starter constellations when StartingConstellation is set to random.
    • Leave blank to let random choose ANY valid constellation
    • You can put duplicate entries of a constellation name to raise the odds that it will be chosen, this list does not need to have unique entries.
  • Compiled with latest version of LLL (1.3.13)


  • Added StartingConstellation config item to set initial constellation when starting a new game (new saves or after being fired)
    • Will auto-route you to the default moon of this constellation when this is set (no charge of credits)
    • Leave blank if you do not want the level/constellation to change on a new save (will likely be experimentation unless another mod changes this)
    • Set to ~random~ to route to a random constellation on each new game (new game save or after getting fired)
  • Added ReturnToLastConstellationFromCompany config item (true/false)
    • When set to true, you will remain in the constellation you travelled to the company from when you leave the company.
    • When set to false, you will be put in the constellation set via CompanyDefaultConstellation.
  • Added ManualSetupListing config item to streamline initial setup of the mod.
    • This config item requires valid listings in ConstellationList to work.
    • Will match different moon names to each constellation name provided.
    • This does not modify existing generated configs and will only be used when first generating a config item for a moon.
    • If a moon is being generated a configuration item and it does not match any from this list, it will be added to a random constellation.
  • Added IsLevelInConstellation boolean for other mods to check if a given level is within either the current constellation or a specific constellation
  • Added safeguards against duplicate constellation names, including a warning that displays when duplicates are detected.
    • Will clean internal constellation names listing of any duplicates and display a warning in the log.
  • Added some more safeguards in the LLL generated config portion to protect against rare cases where this mod is given bad/incomplete information


  • Fixed fatal error during automated system creating fauxkeywords from LLL content tags which broke the terminal
  • Added logic to skip content tags that are shorter than 3 characters or contain spaces
  • Fixed an issue I noticed with clientside testing that threw an error when loading in and updating the current constellation.
  • General code cleanup and update to latest version of OpenLib


  • Updated for latest version of OpenLib
  • Fixed issue introduced with latest Openlib update that broke some portions of constellation handling.
  • Fixed issue where constellation names could not have special characters in them.
  • Fixed issue with shortcut config item being parsed with the wrong character.
  • General info command fixes
  • Added new FauxKeywords option to set your constellation names to whatever you want.
    • These 'keywords' will only work from within the constellations menu.
  • Config items generated after lobby load will now show within the LethalConfig menu.
  • Added button to generate webconfig page which can be used to edit the config in a webpage.
    • These will be located within your Bepinex/config/webconfigs folder
  • Added button to apply config codes that you generate from your webconfig pages.
  • Updated default config handling to use LLL tags with Faux Keywords.
  • Added constellations as compatible nouns to route, so you can type route [constellation-name] and it will route you to that constellation.


  • Fixed issue where current constellation could not be calculated when loading a save that was last at the company moon.
    • With networkapi present, this variable will be tracked in your gamesave.
    • Without networkapi present, will resort to your default company constellation as defined by [CompanyDefaultConstellation]
      • If the config item fails to find a matching constellation, will return the first constellation.
  • Updated ThunderStore name to LethalConstellations (the underscore was bothering me)


  • Added nullable to project.
  • Fixed issue where having the default moon for a constellation set to a moon that doesn't exist would break the terminal.
    • This would happen if you removed a moon from your mod profile or if you never set a default for the constellation.
  • Fixed issue where the CurrentConstellation publicized string value would be updated even if you can't afford the constellation.
    • Thanks @xCore
  • Added more error handling for cases where the terminal is broken.
    • and some logging for common things that have failed in the past


  • Fixed issue of non-host players being unable to join the lobby with this mod present.
  • OneTimeUnlocks for Constellations is now dependent on whether or not LethalNetworkAPI is present.
    • This will be a soft compatibility and if LethalNetworkAPI is not present then constellations will fall back to normal purchase behaviour.
  • Changed moon pricing list to use the actual extendedLevel from LLL rather than a string reference of it's name to hopefully fix issues with prices not updating.
  • Publicized the class containing RouteConstellationSuccess so it should now be accessible.
  • Raised maximum moon price to 99999
  • Added orphaned config item check to remove old inactive configs


  • WARNING Backup your old config file before updating, some config items have moved/changed.
  • Fixed issue where Moon prices were not being updated at each lobby load
  • Fixed issue where constellations could still route to the company even if the config item was disabled
  • Added new handling for default config generation, will now create constellations based on moon danger level tiers.
    • When [ConstellationList] is left blank, constellations will be generated by moon hazard tiers. (A+,B+, etc.)
    • Constellation price defaults will be determined by default moon which is chosen randomly
  • Added new buyOnce behavior, where a constellation can be purchased one-time and then free for the rest of the save.
    • Utilizes the game save to remember whether a constellation has been purchased already.
    • buyOnce is configurable for each constellation.
  • Added config option to keep a moon hidden even while in it's constellation
  • Moved each constellation's config to it's own section
  • Added RouteConstellationSuccess event for other mods to subscribe to
  • Added isLocked property for other mods to access a constellation and lock it if needed
  • Added optionalParams property for other mods to access to input text into constellations menu via [optionals]
  • Added handling for [currentWeather] to display the default moon's current weather in the constellations menu
  • Updated handling for setting a moons constellation, you can now set multiple constellations for one moon
    • In the moon's constellation config item separate each constellation by a comma to register it for multiple constellations.


  • Fixed issue with LethalConfig soft compatibility.
  • Added more compatibility for LethalMoonUnlocks


  • Publicized some things for future compatibility with LethalMoonUnlocks by explodingMods (xCore)
  • fixed typo in a method name
  • fixed typo in manifest.json referencing incorrect OpenLib version number


  • Added new config item [HideUnaffordableConstellations] to hide constellations you cannot afford
  • Added new config item [AddHintTo] to determine which base menus your hinttext would be added to
  • Changed otherText config items to hintText for better clarity
  • Added new config item [ConstellationsShortcuts] to set shortcut keywords for the constellations menu
  • Moved static config to the base plugin config rather than defining a new one.
  • Added multi-word constellation support
  • Backend changes to optimize constellation handling.
    • New ClassMapper will track constellations and their properties.
    • Replaced 5 different dictionaries with this new class.
  • Changed the generated default moon for each constellation to be a random moon from the list of moons the constellation belongs to.
  • Added new shortcuts config for each constellation to specify shortcut keywords for each constellation.
  • Added isHidden configuration for each constellation to hide special constellations.
  • Added canRouteCompany configuration for each constellation to specify whether you can route to the company building from it or not.
  • Fixed some instances where the customized [ConstellationsWord] was not being used in place of "Constellations"


  • Initial Mod Creation.
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