Adds a Motion Tracker similar to the one in Alien: Isolation. Now with SFXVersions
- Changed mixing on ping sound
- Added ping volume config setting
- Added ping pitch config setting
- Fixed ping pitch still being applied by entities that are not currently moving (?) may need more testing
- Fixed a bug that made some sounds pitched incorrectly
- I'm a liar
- Ping now changes pitch based on how close an enemy is to the motion tracker
- The motion tracker will no longer target a player if it is being held by them
- Fixed floating screen when pocketed
- Optimizations
- This is actually really the last update for a while. Sorry for the update spam
- Fixed screen sometimes disappearing
- Motion tracker is now 5 pounds, configurable
- Fixed name to be consistent with other vanilla items
- This is probably the last update for a while unless any issues pop up.
- Fixed incorrect coordinates on tracker
- Added syncing sounds between clients
- Removed accidental inspect function
- Made radar still visible when item is dropped on floor
- Fixed interior enemies being picked up on the radar when on the surface
- Make ping sound quieter
- Make radius a capsule that goes down so you can see Earth Leviathans on the radar
- First Release.
- Update model to be a little nicer looking
- Optimize mesh to be just one object, the original mesh was split into parts and was very unoptimized.
- Added new SFX inspired by Alien Isolation. Be careful with things that can hear!