

Removed goofy TerminalFormatter compatibility, also recompiled for v69.

  • NOTE: TerminalFormatter v0.2.24 is currently incompatible; rotating item discounts aren't displayed (though they still apply), and any available items above the vanilla cap are not shown (but they can still be purchased).
    • Make sure to update to a newer version once available!


Basic API added for managing rotating items, fixed rotating shop desync with 'removePurchased' setting.

  • Created RotationItemsAPI class, which contains several helper methods for interacting with which items can appear in store rotations.
    • Meant for other mods to use to allow items to appear in store rotations, or to simply add them to the list of permanent items.
  • Modified RotateShipDecorSelectionPatch and UnlockShipObjectPatches to use the new API.
  • Tweaked a few things with the config file.
    • Orphaned nodes (old entries) are now cleared when launching the game.
    • Configuration file no longer saves after every single Bind() call, which could very slightly impact loading performance.
    • Renamed stockPurchased setting to removePurchased, and inverted its function.
  • Fixed a desync that could happen with the removePurchased setting enabled when joining a lobby with already-purchased items, or items placed in storage.
    • Added transpiler for StartOfRound.SyncShipUnlockablesServerRpc() to actually fill the storedItems list before sending it to all clients.
      • When an item is put into storage, its PlaceableShipObject instance is despawned, but StartOfRound.SyncShipUnlockablesServerRpc() uses Object.FindObjectsOfType<PlaceableShipObject>() to fill the storedItems list, so it ends up always being empty.
    • Added postfix for SyncShipUnlockablesClientRpc() to update each of the ship unlockables' hasBeenUnlockedByPlayer and inStorage fields on all clients.
    • Ship purchases, as well as ship objects in storage, should now be properly synced upon joining a lobby.
    • This also fixes clients not being able to see items in storage when joining a lobby, though there's probably a better way to implement it.
  • Refactored patch for StartOfRound.UnlockShipObject() a bit.


Confirming compatibility with v61, but also a minor fix.

  • Everything seems to be working correctly in v61, but I'll keep an eye out if anything breaks in the latest updates.
  • Fixed relativeScroll setting being accidentally inverted in the previous release.


Basic API added for rotation sales, enabled 'Nullable' in the project file.

  • Created RotationSalesAPI class, which contains several helper methods for interacting with the rotation sales system.
    • Meant for other mods to use to check if an item is on sale, obtain its discount value and discounted price, add or remove discounts for specific items, among other things.
  • Modified TerminalItemSalesPatches and TerminalFormatterCompatibility to use the new API.
  • Enabled Nullable value types in the .csproj file so the compiler can yell at me if I forget a null check somewhere.
    • Should fix any current and (hopefully) future issues regarding null types (e.g. issue #3).
  • Added terminalFormatterCompat setting to toggle compatibility with TerminalFormatter.
    • This setting will be removed soon-ish, once compatibility is handled from their end.


Miscellaneous fixes for various issues.

  • Purchasing items now immediately removes from the permanent item list (NOT the config file's itemWhitelist itself) when stockPurchased is set to disabled.
  • Made saleChance determine sales likelihood more accurately now.
    • My original goal was to recreate how the vanilla game handles sales, only parameterized to allow for configuration; however, due to integer rounding, a sales chance of e.g. 85% and above could end up being exactly the same as 100%, depending on the maxSaleItems setting.
  • Fixed Terminal.TextPostProcess() transpiler occasionally replacing other items' displayed prices when appending a sale tag to a rotating item.
    • Also simplified it significantly by doing what was used for the TerminalFormatter compatibility transpiler.
  • Made minDiscount be used for maxDiscount when minDiscount is greater than maxDiscount, just like the other range settings.
  • Added a couple more null checks and debug messages.


Compatibility with TerminalFormatter's modified store, among other things.

  • Added TerminalFormatter as a soft dependency.
    • I think?
  • Sales for rotating items should now display with TerminalFormatter installed.
    • Added transpiler for Store.GetNodeText() to display discounted prices and amounts in the store page whenever an item is on sale.
    • Temporary fix until proper compatibility can be made.
  • relativeScroll now unpatches itself if TerminalFormatter is installed, since it already includes it.
  • Patching is done upon loading into the main menu for the first time.


Compatibility patch for Lategame Upgrades (and likely other moon-routing price adjustment mods).

  • Fixed compatibility with Lategame Upgrades' Efficient Engines upgrade.
    • Terminal.LoadNewNodeIfAffordable() transpiler no longer removes instructions or touches Terminal.totalCostOfItems when routing to a moon.
    • Changed priority of Terminal.LoadNewNodeIfAffordable() to High (600), so it's applied earlier.


Configurable item sales, whitelisting, and blacklisting.

  • Implemented configurable sales for items in the rotating shop.
    • Added postfix for Terminal.RotateShipDecorSelection() to assign rotating item sales after every quota.
    • Added transpiler for Terminal.TextPostProcess() to show discounts in the store page.
      • Compatibility patches might be needed for items that also modify the store page (e.g. TerminalFormatter); further testing is needed.
    • Added transpiler for Terminal.LoadNewNodeIfAffordable() to actually apply the rotating item discounts right before a purchase.
    • Configuration settings added:
      • saleChance determines the likelihood for ANY item to be on sale in every store rotation, with the value 0 disabling the entire sale system.
      • minSaleItems and maxSaleItems control the number of items that can be on sale at a time.
      • minDiscount and maxDiscount control the amount an item can be discounted by.
      • roundToNearestTen rounds sale amounts to the nearest ten (like the regular store).
  • Added both a whitelist and a blacklist for items available in the rotating shop.
    • itemWhitelist guarantees an item to be in stock every rotation, while itemBlacklist prevents them from ever showing up.
    • Both config settings are a comma-separated list of the exact item names shown in the terminal store page.
    • itemWhitelist will take priority over itemBlacklist, if an item is found in both lists.
    • itemWhitelist adds items separate from the range specified by the minItems and maxItems settings.
    • If an item name is not found, it will fail silently, but shouldn't cause any further issues.
  • Minor fixes for Terminal.RotateShipDecorSelection() patch.
    • maxItems value is now used instead of minItems when minItems is greater than maxItems, as intended.
    • Fixed items not sorting alphabetically with stockAll disabled.
    • Alphabetical sort now uses TerminalNode.creatureName (name displayed in the store page) instead of UnlockableItem.unlockableName.
  • Changed default value for relativeScroll to enabled.
  • Everything should still be compatible with every game version since v45.
  • Updated LICENSE name and year.


Compatibility with v56, previous game versions should still work.

  • Updated StartOfRound.SyncShipUnlockablesClientRpc() patch target reference to not include any parameters.
    • Additional parameter vehicleID was added in v55, and each parameter was previously declared explicitly in the patch (despite not actually using any).
  • Changed log level of plugin load message to Info.


Transpilers now used in place of some prefix patches, some minor refactoring.

  • Switched to using Transpilers for Terminal.RotateShipDecorSelection() and PlayerControllerB.ScrollMouse_performed() patches.
    • Should be much better for compatibility with any other mods that might potentially want to patch these methods as well.
    • From initial testing, everything seems to be working fine, but please let me know if any issues are encountered.
  • Changed maxItems and minItems to use their absolute values when rotating the store, to avoid any issues with negative numbers in the configuration file.
  • Modifying linesToScroll in-game (e.g. through LethalConfig) should now apply changes immediately, instead of until after scrolling on a different terminal page.
  • Updated minimum CSync library dependency to patch v5.0.1.
    • Previous release also works with v5.0.1, and is recommended.


Update to 'CSync' v5, more configuration for terminal scrolling.

  • Updated CSync library dependency to v5.0.0.
    • Updated notes regarding CSync version compatibility.
  • Added linesToScroll client-side setting (20 by default).
    • Determines the number of lines the terminal should scroll at a time.
    • Requires relativeScroll to be enabled.


Fixes for 'stockPurchased' and 'relativeScroll' settings.

  • Purchased items should now properly sync between clients when stockPurchased is set to disabled.
    • Terminal.RotateShipDecorSelection() now waits until after StartOfRound.SyncShipUnlockablesClientRpc() is executed when first joining a lobby.
    • Newly-purchased items should now be properly removed from store rotations for every client, not just the host.
  • relativeScroll scroll amount should no longer apply an additional time for each player in the lobby.
    • GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController was being used instead of the actual PlayerControllerB instance calling PlayerControllerB.ScrollMouse_performed().
  • Added a few additional messages to print to console, mostly for debugging purposes.


Update to 'CSync' v4; support for v3 relegated to previous release.

  • Updated CSync library dependency requirement to v4.1.0, making it compatible with other mods that use CSync v4.
  • Added note to suggesting downgrading to v1.3.0 if CSync v3 is needed.
  • Added commented code in case CSync reimplements the ability to join a lobby with either the client or host missing this mod.


Added setting to configure whether already-purchased items should show up in the store rotation.

  • Added stockPurchased server-side setting (on by default).
    • Determines whether or not to include already-purchased items in both the current store rotation and any future ones.
    • Also immediately removes them from the current store rotation, if disabled.
  • Next release will target CSync v4, this specific version can be downgraded to if CSync v3 compatibility is required.


Minor (optional) tweak to terminal scrolling.

  • Added experimental relativeScroll client-side setting (off by default).
    • Adapts the terminal scroll amount to the number of lines in the current terminal page.
    • Should fix an edge case where scrolling would skip over several lines if there were too many items in the store rotation.
  • Changed sortItems setting to be client-side instead of synced.
  • Added note to regarding using CSync v4 with this mod.


Minor adjustments to project and code.

  • Switched from using Config.Instance to the actual Config instance in the Plugin class, mainly in preparation for eventually updating to CSync v4.
  • Clarified some stuff in, mostly in the compatibility section.
    • Verified compatibility with both v45 and v50 (only v49 had been previously tested).
    • Added mention of the Terminal.ShipDecorSelection list intentionally not being modified when joining a lobby without the mod installed on the host computer.
  • Modified StoreRotationConfig.csproj to include additional features.
    • Debug symbols are now embedded into the built StoreRotationConfig.dll plugin.
      • Enables better stack traces without having to include StoreRotationConfig.pdb in every release.
      • Also hides user file paths, in case that's a concern when reporting a bug.
    • LICENSE file (MIT) is now packaged into the built StoreRotationConfig.dll plugin.
    • IDE0051 warning is now ignored (to remove unused warning from Plugin.Awake() method).
  • Added a few more missing comments.
    • Added comments to the individual configuration entries in Config class.
    • Added comments briefly describing the Config, Plugin, and RotateShipDecorSelection classes.


Switch to 'CSync' library fork.


Configuration now done through 'CSync' library; some refactoring and tweaks.

  • Config class now uses CSync by Owen3H to ensure parity between host and clients.
    • Now the patched Terminal.RotateShipDecorSelection() method only runs for clients after receiving config settings from the host, otherwise it simply executes the vanilla method.
      • This makes it no longer possible to purchase additional items in servers that either don't have this mod, or don't have the same config settings as the client (e.g. if stockAll setting is set to true on client-side only).
    • There should be no need to delete the old config file, names were kept the same.
  • Added sortItems option to display the rotating store in alphabetical order.
    • If used with stockAll, the sorted list is cached to avoid having to generate it more than once.
  • Changed most list iterations to use lambda expressions (arrow functions).
  • Split Plugin.cs into several files, for organizational purposes.
  • Updated to contain more information.
  • Added comments all throughout the source code.


Hotfix for 'stockAll' setting.

  • Fixed indexing error, stockAll setting should work properly now.
    • Forgot it wasn't a standard iteration, and that items in the list were removed with every cycle, so it would inevitably try to access an index out of bounds as i increased.
    • More changes were made changing the version number than fixing this issue...


Initial release.

  • Config file created, along with Config class.
  • Options minItems, maxItems, and showAll added to Config class.
  • Implemented patch for RotateShipDecorSelection() method in Terminal class.
  • Added additional checks (e.g. if minItems is greater than maxItems).
  • Made maxItems upper bound inclusive (Random.Next(minValue, maxValue) isn't).
  • Added icon, changelog, and manifest files.
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