Adds 1 enemy and many different scrap with custom functionality! Highly configurable!Changelog
2.3.8 - Mice Optimisation
2.3.7 - Added cheese, optimisation
2.3.6 - The Golden Update
2.3.5 - Randomize size mode breaking item saving fixed
2.3.4 - LethalLevelLoader Update Related Crash Fixes
2.3.3 - Fixed Holding Pen breaking the store when relaunching the lobby without quitting the game.
2.3.2 - Removed Mario Vent Audio
2.3.1 - Fixes (yippeeee)
2.3.0 - Fix again, added additional config mode to make ALL items have a variable size for funsies
2.2.9 - Mushroom fix (maybe), more config options (hopefully they work)
2.2.8 - Rarity fix (hopefully)
2.2.7 - Forgot to enable radar dot for the Enemy oopsie
2.2.6 - Removed Logs
2.2.5 - Mario Fix
2.2.4 - Mushroom now works, yippee!!
2.2.3 - Mushroom can now trigger whilst roaming, logic fixes
2.2.2 - Small update, added missing distant noise for Lightning McQueen, Optimus Prime, Nerd and Chris Griffin. They're active noise also may draw the attention of some monsters...
2.2.1 - New Enemy Added + holding pen fix-fix (hopefully)
2.2.0 - Optimisation, holding pen fix
2.1.8 - Optimisation & fixes, Knuckles and QuickTime Events added!
2.1.7 - Fan added and Deku fixed!
2.1.6 - Remy Ratatoiille is here!
2.1.5 - Added Shadow as a roaming scrap and small bugfixes
2.1.4 - Added Rayman as a roaming scrap and additional music options for Crawly The Wizard
2.1.3 - Maximum Fosgreath Mode Has Been Even More Maximised (Extremely Dangerous)
2.1.2 - Holding Pen for roaming scrap + Maximum Fosgreath Mode Added (Highly Dangerous)
2.1.1 - Monkey Cube + Mod Config Finally
2.1.0 - Noise Detection Support and bug fixes!
2.0.4 - Frieza and Sonic have arrived!
2.0.3 - Fixes
2.0.2 - Added Some Config Options for the Mini Nuke
2.0.1 - Added Mini Nuke
2.0.0 - Moved to LethalLevelLoader, added RoamingScrap Functionality
1.4.5 - Added Deku and Crawly The Tiny Green Wizard
1.4.1 - Added cooldown to Nerd
1.4.0 - Added Chris Griffin, Saul Bigman, Fosgreath, Nerd, Rat, Hamster, Osteoporosis Hamster and Broda. Added cooldowns to most noisemakers. Moved to LE_Preview
1.3.0 - Added Swag Baby
1.2.0 - Added Lightning McQueen, Clyde Bot and Saul Goodman
1.1.0 - Added Cid van Baelsar and Bober Kurwa
1.0.0 - Mod Created. Adds Reindog, Lebron James, Iron Giant, Superman, Golden Reindog and Optimus Prime as findable scrap.