[V69] (LLL) Adds a new snowy moon!17 Frostfall v1.0.4, "???"
- Removed NavMesh where entities shouldn't walk.
- Reduced size from 35 MB to 19 MB.
- Reduced Max Daytime Enemy Power from 20 > 4.
- Reduced Max Outside Enemy Power from 15 > 10.
- Increased Mouth Dog spawn chance.
- Reduced Forest Giant spawn chance.
- Forgot to disable mesh renderer for invisible wall :D
- Overhauled lighting.
- Fixed 'Bridge' story log.
- Fixed floating rope (hate them)
- Some terrain changes.
17 Frostfall v1.0.2, "Hot-Reload"
- Moon is now Hot-Reloadable.
17 Frostfall v1.0.1, "Fixes, Improvements"
- Fixed AudioSource log spam during Blackout weather.
- Increased maximum indoor enemy power.
- Removed pipes from the nearest mountain to the ship.
- Made it so players can't jump over the fence on the left by the ship.
- Fixed some grass in the sky.
- Moved guidance poles closer to the lake leading to the main entrance.
- Added a small terrain path from the fence hole to the entrance.
- Removed the invisible wall above the fence.
- Raised the water level.
- Moved the Warehouse fence slightly closer to the Guidance Poles.
- Improved placement of Guidance Poles going to Fire Exit 1 and 2.
- Increased Main Entrance Ambience sound range.
- Optimization:
- Reduced asset bundle size from 58MB to 35MB.
- Improved FPS slightly.
- Changed logo. (Thanks BBAPepsiMan!)
- Fixed Pole Cords LOD have strange fade.
- Fixed some Rocks having too big Collider.
- Some terrain changes.