Replaces the default posters in the ship with custom posters. You can add your own images to create a personalized experience!CustomPosters v1.3.5, "huh?"
- Removed 1 second delay before creating custom posters.
- Was meant to fix something but it didn't do anything...
CustomPosters v1.3.4, "Compatibility"
- Temporarily added ShipWindowsBeta compatibility.
CustomPosters v1.3.3, "Optimization"
- Fixed texture leaking.
- Optimized CustomPosters creation.
- The game no longer freezes when loading posters.
- Removed unused code.
- Added error handling for robustness.
CustomPosters v1.3.2, "Positions"
- Improved poster positions.
CustomPosters v1.3.1, "Soft Dependency"
- Made compatibility mods load first and then CustomPosters so it can detect them.
CustomPosters v1.3.0, "Compatibility"
- 2 Story Ship compatibility!
CustomPosters v1.2.0, "Compatibility"
- WiderShipMod compatibility!
CustomPosters v1.1.0, "Compatibility"
- ShipWindows compatibility!
- Handling improvements.
CustomPosters v1.0.0, "Release"
- Release!