A new moon. [The Vanilla Update][1.1] The Vanilla Update
- Optimization
- fixed main entrance trigger
- fixed ladder trigger
- v69 support
- Updated LethalLevelLoader 1.2.4 >>> 1.4.6
- Fixed ambient sounds in dungeons
- New Developer(Tolian)
- Performance optimization
- Compatibility with the Hypick-BetterShotgun mod added
- desynchronisation problems fixed
- AudioReverbTrigger spam fixed
- OutsideAIPoints adjustment
- New info description
- New level description
- Adjusted Risk Level to B
- Increased the distance that can be explored, moved colliders
- Adjusted NavMesh
- Added Facility Meltdown support
- Increased amount of OutsideAINodes
- Increased Outside Enemy Power 10 > 11
- Lowered Blind Dog spawn weight 25 > 20
- Replaced Forest Giants with Old Birds (weight = 5)
- 1.2.1 > 1.2.2 Updated LethalLevelLoader
- v50 support
- Audio
- Added High Wind sound
- Adjusted ReverbTriggers
- Creatures
- Removed Baboon hawks from Outside Enemies
- Added Tulipsnakes in Outside Enemies (weight = 60)
- Lowered BlindDog weight 60 > 25
- Increased Outside Enemy Power 7 > 10
- Added spike traps
- Lighting
- Reduced sun intensity
- New Starmap
- Adjusted sun animation
- Adjusted Time To Arrive 1 > 3
- New Quicksand texture
- Enviroment
- Added props
- Adjusted prop positions
- Improved performance
[1.0] Release
- Adjusted color of the leaves
- Adjusted Water visuals
- Added new underwater effect
- Added props along the route
- Removed duplicate Facility dungeon flow
- Optimized water shader
- Reduced file size
- Added LevelTags: sfDesat, Forest, Valley (for modders)
- Adjusted color of the leaves
- Removed a tree near the ship
- Improved occlusion culling
- Fixed the problematic NightSkyPlugin again
- Added extra trees
- Adjusted leaves
- Adjusted colors
- Fixed the NightSkyPlugin console error
- Fixed terrain aroun the main entrance
- Improved performance
- Fixed a bug where NightSkyPlugin couldn't find the correct Volume
- Added custom Stormy weather skybox
- Added custom Eclipsed weather skybox
- Added more rocks
- Adjusted some tree locations
- Adjusted main entrance position
- Fixed fog for trees and grass
- Fixed water not interacting with player
- Fixed water transparency issues
- Fixed underwater rendering
- Fixed Night Sky Plugin console error
- Improved performance
- Improved occlusion culling
- Fixed water performance issue
- Fixed fence hitbox
- Fixed starmap during weather
- Fixed invisible quicksand
- Fixed navmesh issue
Ported to LethalLevelLoader
- Loading times are reduced
- Dependencies changes
- Removed LethalExpansion Dependency
- Added ViewExtension Dependency
- Added LethalLevelLoader Dependency
Lighting and Fog
- Fog changes
- New Volumetric system
- Changes to color
- Added distant fog
- New clouds
- New cloud system
- Changes to color
- Added dynamic time of day system
- Added wind
- New sky
- New physics based system
- Added a night sky
- Added dynamic time of day system
- New lighting
- New physics based sun
- Changes to color
- Added a moon
- Shadow changes
- Changes to color
- Added water
- New underwater effect
Creatures and Scrap
- Scrap pool has been adjusted.
- Outside Creature pool has been adjusted.
- Reworked the entire layout
- New terrain
- Added new buildings
- Added more rocks
- Added more grass
- Increased grass density
- Fixed grass transparency issues
- Changes to tree and grass color
- Added bloom effect
- Updated Description
- Updated modpage image
- Fixed the ship's radar
- Audio Knight - Stomping Bugs
- IAmBatby - Stomping Bugs & Help porting to LLL
[BETA] Pre-Release
- Added LethalExpansionCore as a temporary dependency (to fix incompatibilities)
- Updated Description (new discord server)
- Added subtle paths to lower the chances of getting lost
- Indoor Enemies spawn earlier
- Indoor Enemies power increase
- Indoor Enemies spawn pool changed
- Added more grass
- Added more trees
- Added slight Film Grain effect
- Bees spawn less
- Removed flooded weather type
- Hazard Level is now B
- Decreased facility size 1.5 > 1.4
- First release of the mod