Breaks all valuables on impact, but at least they're more valuable. Are you up for the challenge?1.0.5
- Valuable and goal dollar values are now synced across all users in multiplayer. Only the host needs the mod.
- Readme updates.
- Fixed bug where it would only multiply value on first level of a session. Thanks MildilyAcidic for pointing this out.
- Lose exact value for glass items for code stability.
- Updated BepInEx dependency to match recommended version.
- Fixed DollarMultiplier logic to work with this version of BepInEx.
- Fixed visual bug where DollarMultiplier would apply to the client, but that does not match the host values.
- Fixed bug where DollarMultiplier would apply to the goal value as well.
- If configuration is invalid, revert to default values so mod can still run.
- Refactored mod classes.
- Initial release.