Adds The Pathfinder as a playable survivor. The Pathfinder is an interplanetary hunter who fights alongside his falcon, Squall.Change Log
- Updated for SotS patch
- Fixed Squall spawning for Player team only
- Rewrote some skill descriptions + keywords
- Turned down emissive strength of Headhunter skin
I do not own the SotS DLC; if there are any compatability issues with the new DLC content, then I am not aware of them.
Previous patches
• Fixed game crashing if attempting to use Fleetfoot while Nullified
- I can't believe I didn't realize this sooner
• Massively reduced emission strength of the Thrust VFX
• Changed Pathfinder's default sort order in the character select lobby to be right after Loader
- This can be configured
• Added lore entry
• Created new config option to enable/disable Squall's laser pointer
• Fixed camera not following the ragdoll post-death
• Shock Bolas' initial explosion now applies slight downward force to airborne enemies
• Squall will no longer leash to you while in Attack mode
• Minor code optimization
• Base duration of Thrust reduced from 0.8 to 0.7 seconds
• Slightly altered jump + descent animations
• Icons do not generate mipmaps anymore
• Added important disclaimer to ReadMe
• Updated cachedName in SurvivorDef
• Shock Bolas now always has a minimum 0.1 second aim duration
• Improved logic for RecalculateStats() hook
• Added Mastery skin
• Squall's missile launcher is back to firing projectiles instead of orbs
- The orb missiles had poor synergy with Backup Mags, so I am reverting the change.
• Fleetfoot's dash distance will now receive diminishing returns from movement speed
- To compensate, the base distance has been increased.
- This will result in a greater dash distance at below ~185% movement speed, and lower distance at greater values.
• Rending Talons default cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.
• Rending Talons now grants a movement speed buff and 100% air control while airborne.
• Added a VFX trail to Rending Talons to better reflect its hitbox.
- This is a temporary measure while I work on real VFX.
- But I might just keep it as is.
• Improved logic for Go for the Throat
- Should no longer interfere with Nemmando's Gouge (let me know if it still does)
• Item displays for Trophy Hunter's Tricorn and Sawmerang were producing wonky bugs so I'm temporarily disabling them while I work on a fix
• Spare Drone Parts added to Squall's item blacklist
- He will still benefit from their effects should you pick up the item
• Added item displays for vanilla + SotV items
• Squall's missile launcher now fires an orb instead of a projectile
- This should result in better performance and 100% accuracy, but missiles will no longer retarget
• Removed Kjaro's and Runald's bands from Squall's item blacklist
• Config should now update automatically with new patches
• (Hopefully) Fixed issue where Go for the Throat would not recharge Squall's battery as a guest in multiplayer
- Might require further testing. Please contact me if the issue persists
• Minor code optimization
• This time for sure (please)
• Emergency update cause I'm a dumbass and broke some serious shit
• Allied Tesla Troopers' Tesla Gauntlet now recharges Squall's battery
• Thrust
- Base damage increased 200% > 250%
- Piercing damage multiplier reduced from 1.5 > 1.3
• Fixed some config inconsistencies
• Slightly adjusted Squall's missile launcher to fire a missile at the start instead of the halfway point
• Dio's Best Friend and Pluripotent Larva added to Squall's item blacklist
• Fixed issue where reviving with Dio's Best Friend or Pluripotent Larva would cause Squall's battery and skill icons to disappear
• Thrust : New functionality
- Piercing. Thrust your spear forward for 200% damage.
- Piercing Keyword: Striking with the tip of the spear deals 300% damage and bypasses armor instead.
• Explosive Javelin
- Damage reduced 900% > 800%
- Explosion now has "sweetspot" type damage falloff
• Shock Bolas
- No longer deals damage on initial impact
- CD increased 16s > 18s
- Flight speed reduced 200 > 150
• Rending Talons
- Added 20% movement speed buff while spinning
• Missile Launcher
- Cooldown reduced 12s > 3s
- Number of missiles reduced 4 > 2
- Missiles now fire at the halfway point and end of the skill cast
• Attempted to network Squall's battery gauge. Let me know how this works in multiplayer.
• Fixed bug where, at extremely high attack speeds, Go for the Throat would strike infinitely
• Forgot to actually implement the config changes last time
• Activating Follow mode now teleports Squall to you if the distance is great enough
- this should fix Squall not appearing in Voidling's phases 2 and 3
• Issuing an Attack Command will no longer cancel Go For the Throat
• Added config options for some skill CDs
• In multiplayer, Squall's beeping sounds should now only be audible to his owner
• Fixed issue with Rending Talons where being frozen would cause you to get stuck mid spinning animation
• Fixed more language tokens
• Actually included the right readme this time
• Squall now inherits your equipment (but won't use it)
• Added Gesture of the Drowned to Squall's item blacklist
• Fixed some of Squall's language tokens
• Fixed issue where holding down M1 would not throw shurikens properly
• Fixed issue with RiskUI where Squall's special stock was not shown in the skill icon panel
• Slightly thickened Squall's laser pointer for better visibility
• Initial Release