1.3.0 - SOTS update | Adds new features to the lobby- v1.3.0
- Fixed for Seekers of the Storm
- Scenes ➕ Added 11 new scenes: * ArtifactWorld01 * ArtifactWorld02 * ArtifactWorld03 * Habitat * HabitatFall * HelminthRoost * LakesNight * LemurianTemple * Meridian * Village * VillageNight
- Header and Footer text now are centered relative to the character select UI instead of relative to the screen.
- Config
- Shaking config now only affects Lobby and name is changed to reflect that.
- RoR2 Patch
- Fixed user setting screen shake scale not working in lobby.
- Some unneeded logging has been removed.
- v1.2.?
- Scenes
- ➕ Added new music option: auto, default, and defined
- auto chooses a pre-defined theme for the Scene
- default will play the default music or any other existing music overrides
- defined as in if you put 'muFULLSong02' it will play its respective associated track.
- ➕Added 4 new scenes:
- codes (Artifact Code event)
- lakes (Verdant Lakes)
- eclipse (CoolerEclipseLobby, permission given by Nuxlar),
- rescueship (Moon Escape)
- ➕Added new event for scenes to have something activated upon the vote starting.
- 🔧Updated some scenes
- AncientLoft: Changed pos/rot
- Arena: Portal is changed to OnVoteStarted
- ArtifactWorld: Portal is changed to OnVoteStarted
- Goldshores: Added beacon, added OnVoteStarted effect
- ➕UI now has an option to show Seer text for the scene below the Ready button.
- 🔧Disabling shaking config should now properly disable the lobby shaking. Probably won't.
- 🔧Added fix to possibly add mod compat with DropInMultiplayer GUI
- 🔧Post processing should disable post processing when other stages have them, instead of just the lobby.
- 🔧Background Elements is now renamed to "Scene: Lobby" and put below Scenes+Layouts
- 🔧Scenes use the background material from their respective stages.
- ➕Added French Translation (Thanks, CobaltKitsune!)
- ➕ Added new music option: auto, default, and defined
- Scenes
- v1.2.0
- Config
- ➕ Added Scene Header: Showing the scene title, subtitle, and layout title.
- 🔧Fixed BlurOpacity not correctly parsing partial values
- 🔧Fixed Disable Shaking not disabling after a scene load
- 🔧Selected scenes are now lowercase only
- 🔧Added identifier to some config values that only work in Lobby scene
- ➕Added reset camera key (default '=')
- 🔧Light color inlobbyconfig now has a color display
- 🔧Renamed config descriptions for clarity.
- Language
- ➕Added new English tokens for the new headers
- Scenes
- ➕Added 8 new scenes: AncientLoft, Lobby, LobbyVoid, SnowyForest, SulfurPools, VoidOceanFloor, VoidRaid, VoidStage
- ➕Skybox now changes per scene
- Layouts
- 🔧Moon_Default now has a Mithrix Constellation from itmoon, and a dead commando prop
- ➕Added new layouts: Lobby_ROR2, Moon_Default
- 🔧 Removed some layouts temporarily due to internal code changes
- Other
- 🔧Various internal fixes and code reorganization and cleanup.
- Config
- Added config category "Character Pad"
- Character Pad Scale goes here instead of Background
- Added Character Turning - click to drag to rotate your character
- Character Turning Multiplier - increases the speed at which the character is turned
- Clamped UI Scale between 0.5 and 1.75 to prevent the config setting from becoming inaccessible.
- Updated console commands to no longer have server-side flags
- Layouts
- Renamed all layouts from "
" to "[SceneName]_[LayoutName]
" - Added new layouts (2)
- BlackBeach_League, WispGraveyard_Snipers
- Restored option to zoom in on character selected.
- Added CharacterCameraSetting for layouts to include their own camera settings.
- Added some missing character camera settings to the layouts.
- Renamed all layouts from "
- Added config category "Character Pad"
- Code overhaul- Fixed Blur unable to be set to 0.
- Added custom scenes (17)
- Added custom layouts (5)
- Added InLobbyConfig hard dependency
- Added parallax option
- Added option that shades the characters darker if they are locked,
- Fixed readme?, lobby light color now remains unchanged if set to "default", code cleanup, added option to replay anim on selectv1.0.0
- Release
Written with StackEdit.