Adds most characters as selectable survivor skins (~80 skins per survivor)Changelog
1.5.2 Changes:
- Fixed load error if a mod added an improperly set up character.
1.5.1 Changes:
Updated for SotS
- Seeker skins
- False Son skins
- Artificer head position
1.5.0 Changes:
- Gup skins
- Geep skins
- Gip skins
- Larva jaw being matched to the head even if a target jaw bone was present
- Larva leg rotation
- Acrid neck and shoulder matching on models without neck or shoulder bones
- Captain neck rotation
- MUL-T neck matching
- Void Field neck and shoulder matching
- Heretic Jaw rotation
- Heretic Neck matching
- Lemurian model matching
- Elder Lemurian model matching
- Mercenary neck rotation
- Artificer neck rotation
- Void Reaver model matching
- Imp Overlord model matching
- Blind Vermin tail matching
- Certain models partially or completely disappearing when camera is very close to the model
- Left lower arm and hand are now hidden when using a model skin on Captain to better match the gun arm
- Model idle animations are now kept active for certain models when used as a skin:
- Voidling
- Void Reaver
- Captain
- Engineer
- Hermit Crab
- Imp
- Imp Overlord
- Larva
- Mini Mushrum
- Scavenger (+ lunar variants)
1.4.0 Changes:
Updated for Devotion Update
- Fixed Prisoner skin model matching
- Alloy Vulture wings sliding around when used as a skin
- Alloy Vulture body part rotations
- Assassin model scale and body part rotations
- Artificer leg positions
- Aurelionite & Stone Titan body part rotations
- Beetle Guard model matching
- Beetle Queen body part rotations
- Bison body part rotations
- Grovetender skin's mask not staying on the head
- Blind Pest wing size
- Blind Vermin leg rotation
- Captain hand rotation
- Clay Apothecary model scale and body part rotations
- Elder Lemurian toe rotation
- Assassin shoulder rotation
- Grandparent model scale and shoulder rotation
- Grovetender model matching
- HAN-D model scale
- Hermit Crab leg rotation
- Imp model matching
- Imp Overlord model matching
- Jellyfish model matching
- Larva model matching
- Lemurian body part rotation
- Lunar Exploder model matching
- Mini Mushrum model matching
- Newt Pelvis and Neck rotation
- Parent model matching
- Stone Golem model scale and leg rotation
- Void Jailer model matching
- Void Reaver model matching
- Voidling model matching
- Model cut-offs persisting when model is used as a skin
Minor compatibility improvements with MonsterMash (but expect issues still)
Removed R2API.Language dependency
Updated R2API.Core dependency: 5.0.11 -> 5.0.12
1.3.0 Changes:
- Skin selection is now split into 3 separate choices:
- Main Skin (The skin used on your main model before it's replaced, can change things like weapons and decorations)
- Model (The model to use)
- Model Skin (The skin to use on the model)
1.2.0 Changes:
- Void Jailer skins
- Mul-t pelvis rotation
- Engineer head matching
- Huntress head position
- Railgunner model scale
- REX model matching
- Lunar Exploder back leg rotation
- Bandit foot rotation
1.1.0 Changes:
- Heretic skins
- Void Reaver skins
- Voidling skins
- Mini Mushrum skins
- Made Artificer cloth visible when using different model skin
- Alloy Vulture wing feathers are no longer visible when using it as a skin
- Physical bones (eg. coats, tails) jittering
- Skin icons being blurry if texture resolution setting was anything below Full
- Altar Skeleton head position
- Bandit head position
- Mithrix model scale and head position
- Captain head position
- Clay Man head position
- Clay Templar model scale and head position
- Acrid model scale
- Blind Pest feet rotation
- Stone Golem model scale and particles
- Lemurian model scale and upper arm position
- Elder Lemurian model scale and upper arm position
- Mercenary toe rotation
- Blind Vermin model scale and several body part rotations
- Alloy Vulture body part alignment
- Void Devastator skins
1.0.0 Changes:
- First release