Enemies will begin to swarm you after a period of time.0.3.0
- Fixed Time Before Loiter Penalty not actually being used to determine when to play sounds.
- When playing on ChunkyMode, the time before loiter penalty now decreases by 10% for each stage completed after the first loop, down to a minimum of 60 seconds. This does not apply if Artifact of Interloping is enabled.
- Less info is now synced
- Play warning sound is now handled client side.
- Added Respect Enemy Limit option.
- Added Aggressive Culling option.
- Added Culling Radius option.
- These options are intended to both improve performance and keep gameplay fast paced by removing enemies that are not actively engaging with players.
- Config options are now clamped.
- Fixed a bug that caused resetting options to only work on the title screen
- Changed wording on some options.
- Added reset to default buttons.
- Initial beta test version