Tweaks Commando to be more fun and makes default abilities sidegrades, fixes some bugs.1.2.0 Patch Notes
- Updated for SOTS.
- Improved Frag Grenade SFX and VFX.
1.1.7 Patch Notes
- Buffed Frag Grenades to not have damage falloff.
- Made Frag Grenade Ignite.
- Nerfed Frag Grenade AoE.
- Nerfed Frag Grenade Damage.
1.1.6 Patch Notes
- Added config versioning.
1.1.5 Patch Notes
- Bugfixes.
1.1.4 Patch Notes
- Bugfixes.
1.1.3 Patch Notes
- Small tweaks.
1.1.1 Patch Notes
- Gave my thoughts on balance changes so some people understand better what I have in mind.
- Bugfixes.
1.1.0 Patch Notes
- Buffed Tactical Dive Cooldown.
- Nerfed Tactical Dive Charges.
1.0.1 Patch Notes
- Nerfed Tactical Dive End Speed Coefficient.
- Nerfed Tactical Dive Armor Buff Duration.