Adds Rifter, a positional-based survivor.ChangeLog
ver 1.1.3
- Slightly increased the speed of Wandering Rift
- removed some NRE's
- 10 shatter visual disappears now. Yippee.
- Fixed bug where client would not teleport enemies to their respective timelock.
ver 1.1.2
- the dreaded hurtbox position not being correct. Thanks Nicolas489 for pointing it out... again!
- Timelock explodes when it expires now. It won't teleport enemies though
- Chained Worlds now applies 10 shatter on the last rift, is a SPECIAL ability, and lowered the cooldown. It felt bad to lose a movement option for it. So it's back in its rightful place.
- Removed some debug lines.
- Fixed some nullRefs (thanks .score!)
ver 1.1.1
- fixed bug where fracture damage was scaled incorrectly
- fixed some visual bugs with the rifts. Hopefully all of them...
- possible performance fix. But maybe not.
- New character icon to match the style and model shader changes
ver 1.1.0
- New Abilities! Wandering Rift and Chained Worlds make an entrance (or reentrance)
- Quantum portals is fully networked!
- Emote compatibility!
- note: it's a scuffed implementation, which involved messing with the bone structure of the original model. Base animations look... alright now, but not as good as they used to. I'll fix it soon!
- Changed damage falloff scaling logic.
- Changed a lot of things to have 1.0 proc coefficient. heh
- Added hitEffects and Muzzle flash
ver 1.0.2
- Slight buffs update
- Fracture deals 70% instead of 60% damage. Damage scales up to 170% at ideal rift distance. Scaling not included in secondary skill, though might be added later depending on feedback.
- midrange rift deals 460% damage instead of 450%.
- reasons for changes is it is too punishing when you don't hit at the perfect range. This should help deal damage outside of ideal range a little better, and help gauge the distance a little better by how much damage you're dealing.
ver 1.0.1
- Mostly a visual update.
- Finalized icons for all moves! Thank you Anartoast once again.
- MainHurtbox origin relocated. This fixes a bug where certain item displays (e.g. oddly shaped opal sphere) were not centered on the character.
- Item displays added for base game and sotv items.
- Ragdoll on death added.
- README corrections.
- I will be working on onHit vfx one of these days...
- Sounds effects are being worked on, but will take some time before any implementation.
- I will try to network the portal soon.
ver 1.0.0
- we calling it full release because WE GOT ANIMAIONS BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
- many updated icons by the outstanding Anartoast
- animations by JestAnAnimator. Phenominal
- config cleanup.
ver 0.5.8
- wip icons. Anartoast is goated.
- that's it, I think. Small update.
ver 0.5.7
- double heh. Unlockable should display correctly now (thanks Mightysmallfy for the fix!)
- portal input adjustments
ver 0.5.6
- portals should not proc on use. Blast around portal still procs.
- fixed spelling error that TryAgain pointed out, but I couldn't find it again until now.
- log has minor revisions.
ver 0.5.5
New Utility: Quantum Portals. Have fun with it. If it's a hit, I might phase out slipstream
Complete rework of teleportation mechanic (totally did not steal Kenko Seamstress code without permission. Thx tho lol)
Back vent display mesh removed. It looks much cleaner now.
roadmap for those interested:
Alt abilities, unlock abilities
hit effects (and sfx???)
skill icons... eventually. Soon or late idk
expect at least 3 months for animations to even start
ver 0.5.4
- heh
ver 0.5.3
- updated unlockable token
ver 0.5.2
- Bug fixes
- Overlays scale correctly
- Distance assist logic should be improved, with a midrange color swap
- Updated skill texts (TryAgain being a goat once again)
- Added lore
- Scattered Rift should be an unlcockable now
- Teleportation is still buggy. Working on it
- Back vent display improvement
ver 0.5.1
- Bug fix: rifts now teleport enemies to Timelock if there is one out.
- Fracture shots recharging if all shots connected was a silly idea. Too silly, even.
- Removing Chained Worlds for now -- too buggy right now. I want to look at it and fix it in my own time.
- Figured out why Buckshot wasn't working. It's now working.
- Some text adjustments.
ver 0.5.0
- Major Rework!
- SOTS Compatible!
- Primary now has a long-range and mid-range distance. Hold Primary and Secondary for the mid-range distance.
- All New Secondaries!!!
- Secondary: Fracture Shot - shoot 3 consecutive fracture lines that teleport hit enemies.
- Secondary Alt: Chained Worlds - shoot up to 5 rifts that teleport enemies to the next. You may recall this used to be a special.
- All New Special!
- Special: Timelock - create a space which nullifies all enemies within. If present, enemies will be teleported to the Timelock instead of primary distance. Shooting the Timelock with a Rift will cause it to explode!
- Should be networked. Though it might be finicky.
- Teleports are inconsistent. I will wait to see if Gearbox update will help with this.
- I have removed a lot of alts and abilities for this build. If it seems like it's working better, I'll start adding some alts back in and new alts.
- There is no longer ancient scepter items :(
- Cripple chance is removed for the time being.
ver 0.4.6
- RiskOfOptions Support!
- AncientScepter Support!
- Shatter reworked. Cripple is our friend now.
- Updated descriptions.
- Slipstream and Rift Rider now cleanse debuffs. I kept forgetting to do this. I also didn't test if this works.
- Gauntlet 25, Scattering has a new mechanic. I will not elaborate.
- Rifts and Fractures vfx changed once again. This is a neverending story.
- Distance assist beam should no longer spawn at world 0,0,0 if not in use
- I should really make this a 0.5.0 update. But I'm reserving that for bigger changes, aka, animations or sfx.
ToDo/Next update, expect:
- adjust model to be more accurate to vision (the backlight is still being mean to me)
- unlockables!
- hitEffects
ver 0.4.5
ver 0.4.4
- HUD should work only when you're Rifter now.
ver 0.4.3
- rift redesign #3.
- all rifts have been shrunken a little bit.
- tracer redesign #2.
- Experimental HUD overlay added to keep track of overcharge stacks. I have not tested if it is multiplayer compatible. You can disable it in the config (HUD).
ver 0.4.2
- Small rifts in Buckshot Rift do not apply shatter.
- No longer destroys tracer is an enemy is teleported or teleporting with Rift Rider.
- Shatter Icon added
- small fixes here and there. Hopefully some major fixes... got fixed this time.
ver 0.4.1
- CONFIG OPTIONS. I have not fully tested if they work entirely, but they exist now.
- Added "Distance Assist" laser to help visualize primary distance.
- Buckshot Rift logic improved on small rifts.
- Buckshot Rift adds more rifts if overcharged.
- Slipstream angle in air reduced.
- Temp VFX for Tracer (Woo! Could look terrible)
- Rift Rider now can stack overcharge if hits enemies.
- Recursion damage increased from 2200% to 2600%
- Mild fixes here and there
ver 0.4.0
- New Primary! Buckshot Rifts
- Slipstream now moves at an upwards angle if airborne
- Color scheme on loadout screen
- bug fixes that I don't remember what they were before
- Beginning of VFX rework
ver 0.3.0
- Description changes
- Specials reworked! Recursion is now a ranged tool, and Chained Worlds acts as god intended (or so I hope).
- Enemy healthbar now shows the amount of health shattered.
- May or may not have fixed shatter being applied by non-rifter characters. This needs to be playtested.
ver 0.2.3
- forgot dll whoops
ver 0.2.2
- description fixes and changes. (Special thanks to TRYAGAIN211 for the constant help with this!)
- many a nerf, to compensate for shatter's strengths.
- secondaries are all at 300%. Changes to percentage will be based on which feels the weakest from here on out.
- specials were lowered to 280% base damage.
- this should be the last update for a hot minute. Will be working on VFX, getting a model, etc. Have fun, and let me know how the damage %s feel!
ver 0.2.1
- Networked!
- Some slight fixes, Rapidfire is reverted to base stocks of 3, not 4 (it was a mistake)
- Cooldown increases were made, this was from the last update, forgot to mention
- Chained Worlds logic is pretty screwy at times. I will work on this, but in the meantime, either avoid it or let me know what situations make it worse.
ver 0.2.0
- Bug Fix: Rift Rider teleports enemies again.
- Some Networking has been done. Yay! Not fully networked.
Major Changes
- Base damage has been increased from 12 to 14. This means ALL ability percentages have been tweaked.
- Rift radius has been reduced for primary and secondary.
- Added a new experimental passive: Shatter. Currently a hidden debuff (will not count toawrds Deathmark rn).
- Shatter reduces armor and total health of enemies. Stacks up to 20 times, for a max of 60 armor and 50% health reduction.
- Armor reduction for shatter is NOT linear; this is used to assist with bosses and spongy enemies.
- health reduction IS linear. Not that you needed to know either of these.
- Shatter is not networked currently
ver 0.1.0
- Bug Fix: Added R2API_DamageType as a dependency. LMK if this isn't working correctly still
- Bug Fix: Rifts no longer permanently Friendly Fire
- Bug Fix: All Refraction Rifts now teleport
- primary rift size slightly increased. Distance slightly decreased.
- overcharge now stacks (I actually tested it and it works now)
- Chained Worlds might be buggy, but I think I reverted it
- issues: Teleporting enemies does not activate if you are not the host player. Working on it.
- future changes: vfx overhaul, model, anims, you know, the pretty stuff.
- I only changed it to 0.1.0 cuz I felt like it.
ver 0.0.6
- slight change. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't.
ver 0.0.5
- Yippee! Blacklisting works (lunar is not blacklisted as of currently - for research purposes)
- Slipstream stacks overcharges (I was lazy, I did not double check, let me know if I'm lying)
- Refraction cooldown changed to 3s.
- Refraction damage reduced from 375% to 325%. It seems fairly balanced now.
- Refraction side rifts might not teleport enemies? This is a bug if so. Will change. Let me know.
ver 0.0.4 Eventual Changes:
- blacklisting of lunar enemies, void barnacles, and minor constructs from being teleported
- possible slipstream changes
- Added another special: Chained Worlds
- Added basic vfx. Ideas or help welcome. I don't like it.
- primary buffed from 550% to 600%
- refraction now always teleports
- recursion buffed to 350% base damage
ver 0.0.3
- Got rid of my lazy implementation of passives that aren't showing up anyways (they were breaking things, apparently (hopefully))
ver 0.0.2
- I intended to add basic vfx for visual clarity. I am leaving that for later (if you want to do this, let me know!)
- Made it so other skills cannot be used during Recursion.
- Fixed Rift Rider getting cancelled by everything.
- primary buffed from 450% to 550%
- Refraction buffed from 375% to 475% (I'm too lazy to change the logic right now, so I'm testing this first)
- Recursion charge-up time has been increased from .5s to .8s.
ver 0.0.1
- Initial build