I can't even see my reflection in the water... only those mysterious crimson lights...1.1.5
- Fixed Tri-shops from being bugged in the DLC interactable pool.
- Fixed Compatibility issues with other mods by extension.
- Updated for SoTS!
- Updated the mod to use more modern apis. This mod should be a lot less awful to update in the future.
- Added R2API.Stages as a Dependency
- Added R2API.Director as a Dependency
- Added Locations of Precipitation as a Dependency
- Added ShaderSwapper as a Dependency
- Removed blacklist for SS2 storms, report if there are any errors. Visuals for it are not good but there will be proper compatibility soon.
- Added LODs to some vfx
- Removed legacy monster pools
- Added config to remove underwater muffling.
- Added unique SoTS monster pools.
- Added Children
- Replaced teleporter theme with "A Tempestuous Noise of Thunder and Lightning Heard".
- Added Turkish, Japanese, and German language translations
- Corrected the Spanish folder to be es-ES.
- Reduced performance issues
- Added Occlusion culling to the stage (whoops didn't know about this)
- Decimated the surrounded lagoon a bit.
- Removed some abnormal lag for low end PCs
- Hired a guy to trim the grass a bit
- Redid all the grass light sources
- By extension, I made the grass a bit less intrusive on your camera and made the lights flicker. Underwater looks a tad better.
- Preview image updated.
- Fixed LOD issues with the grass. This should boost low end PC performance.
- Plethora of visual improvements/changes
- Redid Terrain textures
- Redid Grass props
- Fog above ground is lessened by a tiny bit
- Made water more transparent
- Fixed water vfx clipping (If there was a void seed popping out of the water, you wouldn't see the top of it if your camera was in the water. This applies to most visual effects, most notably Xi Construct laser and barrier.)
- Due to terrain changes and some of the underwater grass having slight light sources, underwater map portions are now more visible
- Redid Brazier vfx
- Updated diorama
- Developer's Note: The terrain changes and slight grass lighting was meant to make underwater a lot more visible.
- Monster pool changes
- Greater Wisp is replaced by Golems all around
- Blind Vermin is replaced by Jellyfish
- If SoTV DLC is disabled, Gup alternate will be Beetle Gaurds (Golems replace Greater Wisps now)
- If SoTV DLC is disabled, Alpha Construct alternate will be Lemurians instead of Wisps
- Developer's Note: After seeing more gameplay from other players (especially the racers in Risk of Resources), I've come to the conclusion that the monster pool is a bit too difficult. I replaced Greater Wisps to have less burst damage pressure and I replaced Vermin because they sucked underwater and Jellyfish fit their role better. Also Xi Construct is still on the stage. Die.
- Added Config
- Added field that allows you to turn off the DLC monster pool even if you are playing with the DLC. This doesn't effect Void Seeds or the Void monsters that come out of them.
- Added field that allows you to turn on pre #1.1.0 patch monster pools; a legacy pool.
- If you mix both you can play with the legacy non-DLC monster pool while playing with DLC.
- Added dependency to HookGenPatch (R2API would depend on this but since I removed that dependency, I indirectly removed the HookGenPatcher dependency.)
- If you don't like new lagoon, this is what you roll back to.
- Fixed game breaking bug due to failure of loading language files. (I didn't know how to format the mod publish correctly)
- Fogbound Lagoon no longer depends on R2API
- Fixed bug where newt statues sometimes never spawns
- Fixed bug where the Radio Tower message displayed the token instead of an actual message
- Added Ukrainian and Spanish language support
- New icon (Thank you Katie)
- Hope you enjoyed when the stage appeared in almost every run because I fixed that now... hopefully.
- Moved the permanent newt statue and made it random like the other newts. The permanent newt statue was too easy to get to. Hank wasn't touched don't worry.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Spikestrip 2.0, Sigma Constructs should spawn now
- Added Russian language support
- Added a weather controller to the SceneInfo, therefore fixing NRE issues with Starstorm 2
- Added Brass Contraption to be in both dlc and regular enemy pools. Let me know if this is way too much, the stage needed another heavy enemy.
- Added a third Timed Chest spot
- Fixed haunted texture.
1.0.1 and 1.0.2
- Fixed the README
- Initial Release!