Adds some things to Golden Coast in the hopes of making it a more interesting and fun environment to visit. Highly configurable.GoldenCoastPlusRevived
This mod aims to improve Golden Coast and make it more interesting and fun.
Change list
- Allied Aurelionite is now three times as strong, and its health and damage scales linearly.
- Aurelionite can now drop three new items: Golden Knurl, Titanic Greatsword, and Guardian's Eye.
- Golden Knurl grants the player +10% max health, +2.4 regen, and +20 armor.
- Titanic Greatsword is an on-hit proc item that summons Aurelionite's sword when it triggers.
- Guardian's Eye charges up a laser as you gain gold that fires at all nearby enemies when charged.
- The unused Gold Elites now spawn in Golden Coast. They steal gold on hit and drop a lot of gold.
- Changes to Aurelionite's fight.
- Only four beacons spawn, and Aurelionite is vulnerable as soon as it spawns.
- Aurelionite now has 2x more health.
- Aurelionite now becomes invulnerable and turns the beacons off for every third of its health it loses. There is a grace period of 20 seconds after the beacons are turned back on during which they cannot be turned off again, allowing extra damage during a cycle if your DPS is high enough.
- Removing Aurelionite's invulnerability by turning the beacons back on will debuff it with 1.5x damage taken for 10 seconds.
- As the fight progresses, Aurelionite's attacks become more dangerous.
- In phase 2, it summons more swords for its sword attack, fires more lasers for its laser attack, and fires lasers more often for its rock turret attack.
- In phase 3, it now summons even more swords for its sword attack, its rock turret fires even more often, and its cooldowns are reduced by 25%.
- For every phase skipped, all players will get a stack of Aurelionite's Blessing, which increases gold gain by 10%.
Known Issues
- Coven of Gold's icon and model are identical to His Reassurance. This is because I'm a hack and used them when His Reassurance was unimplemented, but I'll fix them at some point.
- Gold elites aren't actually gold. Their unused shader is black, assumedly because its unfinished. I'll get around to making them actually gold at some point.
- Lambda Male and swuff for the icons for the items and the Gold elite buff.