
Modding Server:

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Stat Changes:

  • Base Max Health 160 => 110.
  • Armor 20 => 0.
    • These changes were made to make loader more of a glass cannon and to make using her skills more thoughtful.

Passive Changes:

  • Fall Damage Reduction 100% => 60%.
    • This isn't significant most of the time, I added it so that you have to think of your movement a little bit more, and so that vanilla Eclipse is slightly more challenging.
  • Barrier Gain 5% => 3.3%.
    • Nerfed considering Knuckleboom changes, so it's not as raindead to hold down M1 on a target.

M1 Changes:

  • Knuckleboom Damage Coefficient 320% => 170%.
  • Knuckleboom Fire Rate 1.666/s => 2.5/s.
  • Knuckleboom now knocks up enemies every third attack, dealing 230% in a 13m AoE.
    • Something I wanted to bring back from Risk of Rain 1, makes Knuckleboom a lot more interesting and rewards using it.
    • It also adds a potential tech you can use, not telling what it is though :).

M2 Changes:

  • Spiked Fist Mass Limit 250 => 500.
    • Now pulls heavier targets to you.

Utility Changes:

  • Both Gauntlets now have a better formula. This makes the damage hard to compare.
  • Charged Gaunlet Min Damage Coefficient 10% => 500%.
  • Charged Gauntlet Max Damage Coefficient 2700% => 1800%.
  • Charged Gauntlet Charge Duration 2.5s => 2s.
  • Charged Gauntlet Speed Coefficient 0.3 => 0.45.
  • Charged Gauntlet Max Lunge Speed 90m/s => 70m/s.
  • Thunder Gauntlet Damage Coefficient 2100% => 1400%.
  • Thunder Gauntlet Speed Coefficient 0.3 => 0.17.

Special Changes:

  • M551 Pylon Damage Coefficient 100% => 50%.
  • M551 Pylon Area of Effect 25m => 35m.
  • M551 Pylon Fire Rate 1/s => 3/s.
  • M551 Pylon Proc Coefficient 0.5 => 0.4.
  • M551 Pylon Bounces 0 => 1.
  • M551 Pylon Lifetime 15s => 6s.
    • A big buff to make M551 Pylon feel much more like a special, instead of just a mobility tool.
    • The single target damage is poor, but use it on a group and deal great damage.
  • Thunderslam Damage Coefficient 2000% => 400%.
  • Thunderslam Area of Effect 11m => 13m.
  • Thunderslam Cooldown 8s => 9s.
  • Thunderslam now increases damage a lot based on fall speed.
    • A shift in Thunderslam's effect to be risky, much more rewarding and skillful. It deals a bunch of self damage, but can deal a whole lot more to enemies as well.
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